Yamaha A-S2000 - Amplifier Manuel du propriétaire - Page 33
Parcourez en ligne ou téléchargez le pdf Manuel du propriétaire pour {nom_de_la_catégorie} Yamaha A-S2000 - Amplifier. Yamaha A-S2000 - Amplifier 35 pages.
Également pour Yamaha A-S2000 - Amplifier : Manuel du propriétaire (43 pages), Manuel du propriétaire (34 pages)
Notes on batteries
Change all of the batteries if you notice that the operation range of
the remote control decreases.
Use AA, R6, UM-3 batteries.
Make sure that the polarities are correct. See the illustration inside
the baltery compartment.
Rcmove the batteries if the n:mote control is not used for an
extended period of time.
• Do not use old batteries together \\'ith ncw ones.
Do not use diflerent types of batteries (such as alkaline and manganese
batteries) together. Read the packaging carefully as these diflerent types of
batteries may have the same shape and color.
If the batteries have leaked, dispose of them immediately. Avoid
touching the leaked material or ktting it come into contact with
clothing, etc. Clean the battery compartment thoroughly before
installing new batteries.
Do not throwaway balteries with general house waste; dispose of
them correctly in accordance with your local regulations.
Handling the remote control
The area between lhe remote control and this unit must be clear of
large obstacles.
Do not spill water or other liquids on thc rcmote control.
Do not drop the remotc control.
• Do not leave or store the remote control in the following types of
- places of high humidity. such as near a bath
- places of high temperature, such as near a heater
- places of extremely Im\ temperatures
- dusty places
Do not exposc thc remote control scnsor to strong Iighting. in
particular, an ill\Trter type Iluon:sccnt lamp; otherwise. the rcmo!c
control may not work properly. I
necessary, position this unit a\\'ay
from direct lighting.
Limited Guarantee for European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland
Thank you for having chosen a Yamaha product. In the unlikely eVl:nlthat your Yamaha pruduct needs guarante.: sen icc. please contact the dealer frnm
whnm it was purchased. If you experienec any difficulty. please contact Yamaha r<:pr.:sentative onice in your country. You can lind full details nnnur
wcbsite (http://www.yamaha-hili.com/ or http://www.yamaha-uk.com/lor U.K. residcnt).
The product is guaranteed to be tree from defects in ,,'orkmanship or materials for a pl'riad oft"'n ycars Ii'om the date of the '\I'iginal purchase. Yamaha
undertakes. subject to the conditions listcd bclow. tn bave tbe lilllity product or any part(s) repaired. or rcplaced at Yamaha's discrelion. "ith"ut an) chargc
for parts or labour. Yamaba reserves the rigbt to replace a product \\ ilh that ofa similar kind and/or value and condition. "'here a model has been
discontinued or is considered uneconomic to repair.
I. Tbe original invoice or sales receipt (sbowing date of purehasc, product code and dealer's name) MUST accompany thl' dd'ecti\ e product. alnng \\'ith a
statement detailing Ihe li\llit. In the absence or this clear proof ofpurchasc. Yamaha reservcs Ihe right to reftlse to pro\ ide Ij'ee of charge sen icc and thl'
product may be returned al the customer's expense.
The product MUST ha\"e been purchased from an AUTHOR ISED Yamaha deakr \\'ithin the Furopean Economic Arca (EF:;\) or S\\ iuerland.
3. The product must nul have been the subject of any modilications or allerations. unless authorised in writing by Yamaha.
4. The li,IIO\\'ing are excluded from this guarantce:
Periodic maintcnance and repair or replacement or parts due to normal \\"<:ar and tear.
(I) Rep;irs
by the customer himself or by an unauthorised third party.
(2) Inadequate packaging or mishandling. when the product is in transit Irom the customer. Pkase not<: Ihal it is Ihc custon1l'r's responsibility
ensure the product is adequately packaged whcn rClurning the product Ii)]" repair.
(3) Misuse. including but not limited to (a) lailure
use the product li,r its normal purpose or in accordancc with Yamaha's instruclions onthc propcr
lise. maintenance and storage. and (h) installation or lise
of the
product in a manner
technical or
standards in
1'01'1.:(' ill
the country where it is used.
(4) Accidents, lightning. water. lire. improper \".:ntilation, battery leakage or any caus.: beyond Yamaha's control.
(5) Derects of the system into which this product is incorporated and/or incompatibility with third parly products.
(6) Use of a product imported into the FFA and/or Switzerland. not by Yamaha. \\'here that product docs not conli>nn to the tl'ehnical or safet\·
standards oflhe country or usc and/or
Ihe standard spccilication ofa produci sold by Yamaha in the FFA and,or S,,·itzerland.
(7) Non AV (Audio Visual) related products.
(Products subject to "Yamaha AV Guarantee Statement" are defined in our \\ ci"ite at http://ww\\.yanmha-hili.ctHlI/ or
htlp://www.yamaha-uk.com/lilr U.K. resident.)
5. Where the guarantee diners between thc country ofpurchasc and the country of use orthe producl.the guarank'e oflhe counln oruse shall apply.
Yamaha may
be held respollsihk for any losses or damages. \\'h..:th":l" din. . . · \.·t.
isL'. sa\ c for tht..' repair or rcplac . . . . .
7. Plt:ase hackup any custom settings or data. as Yamaha may
110t be held I"l'SpOIlSibk I'DI' any altl'ration or
10 :-ouch sdtings or
docs not afkcI
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applicahk national
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againstlhl' Jl'.der
Ii'om th.:ir sales/purchase contracl.