Ambroise GENUX 2 ORTHOSIS Pengguna - Halaman 12

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Ambroise GENUX 2 ORTHOSIS Pengguna




450000 | Genux 2 lateral | left

450001 | Genux 2 lateral | right

450002 | Genux 2 medial | left

450003 | Genux 2 medial | right


Necessary maintenance extends the life of the product. The timely replacement of simple and relatively inexpensive parts helps to reduce
wear and tear on expensive and more difficult to replace parts.
The GENUX 2 is made of sustainable stainless materials. You can clean the parts of the orthosis using a damp cloth, optionally moistened
with non-aggressive degreasing products. When you notice the orthosis to not work smoothly, it is strongly advised not to lubricate hinges
with oil or other lubricants. This seems to help initially, but greasy substances will attract dust and dirt, which will cause even more problems.
In addition, lubricants can cause dirty spots in clothing. It is advised to clean the hinges with a degreasing product such as alcohol, acetone or
similar products or contact the orthotist.
Desired maintenance is also important for lasting high wearing comfort by replacing in a timely manner the parts that are in direct contact
with the skin, such as straps and pelottes,
It is recommended to let your GENUX 2 be checked by your orthotist once a year (with very
active use twice a year). He can then judge the proper functioning of your orthosis, but can
also check whether the GENUX 2 is still the best solution for your clinical situation.


Despite the care that Ambroise and your orthotist spend to ensure the maximum quality of your GENUX 2, something can go wrong. Your
orthotist is the first point of contact in case of problems. He can best judge what needs to be done to solve the problems. It may be that changing
one of the GENUX 2 settings in your case is the best. Perhaps, despite all the guarantees, something went wrong. Your orthotist can judge
whether he can perform the repair or that your GENUX 2 has to be sent to Ambroise. Also, your orthotist can investigate if your situation may
have changed, so that GENUX 2 is no longer the best solution for you.
Also talk to your doctor about possible problems with your orthosis. An orthosis should help to reduce your complaints. If that is not the case
then a solution needs to be found.
The warranty on a GENUX 2 is with normal use, one year. The product life-time for the GENUX 2 is set to three years (daily use). After that
a safe use of the product can no longer be guaranteed by Ambroise.


It may occur that parts of the orthosis need to be replaced. Of course you can order these from us. Please contact us and we will send a
replacement part.


If you have the feeling the orthosis is too tight (pinches) or too loose (slips) it is important that the orthosis will be properly fitted by your
Product information | +31 (0)53 4302 836 | [email protected] |