Astra G-80 MES Manual Instalasi dan Eksploitasi - Halaman 18

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Control device is designed for the control of the solid fuel boiler. Fan is controlled according to the law of proportional –
integral- differential regulation (PID) and the pump, air valve or electric heating device are regulated positionaly.
Control device is connected according to the scheme designed on the fig, No. 1:
Temperature sensor RK (PT-100) is installed in the water tight capsule which is immerged into the water of boiler.
Voltage of the fan L2 is connected from the control pannel of the boiler to the control device when the boiler works in the
heating regime (the fuel is loaded and the limit thermical relay is not in action). Impulse commutator of the fan connects
L3 to L2. The relay of control of pump connects L4 to L1. It connects P with L1.
The power of the fan is 20÷100 VA. The maximal power of the controlled pump is 250 VA. Maximal controlled power of
the relays of programmed output is 250 VA.
After the loading of fuel the fan is put into operation with the swith on the control panel. There appears green signal light
"Heating" 3 (Fig. 2.) and the process of the fan control begins. The fan is working only when the green signal light No. 3 is
The desired water temperature of the boiler is set with the keys 2 (2 pav.). By short pressing of "+" or "-", digital indicator
1 starts to indicate the temperature of the water in the boiler. For the change of the temperature it is necessary to press and
to keep the related key (for the increasing "+", for decreasing "-" ). After the few seconds after the last press of the key the
set temperature is saved and the indicator starts to show the measured temperature of the water (when indicator shows the
set temperature , there is a point lighting near the digits ; when indicator shows the real measured temperature there is no
point lighting near the digits).
The speed of the fan is proportional to the deviation of the temperature, to its duration and to the rate of the
increase/decrease of the water temperature in the boiler.
Each time at the start there is launched the electric magnet, which opens air valve and there appears light 8.
Control of the pump
The pump of the heating system can be switched on for the continuing operation or it can be switched on and off depending
on the water temperature.
servicing staff, referring to the characteristics of the heating system. When the pump is on there is a signal light 5 on the
front pannel of the control device (fig 2.).
Burning control
The state of work „heating off" is indicated in the following cases:
- if the temperature after two hours from the beginning of heating is T≤45
- if the temperature drops below 45
- if during the operation of boiler the pump is switched off for longer than 1 hour. (it is not applied when the pump is put
on the constant operation ).
Technical description of the control device KR-4
L1, N – supply of electricty to the control device;
L2 – supply of electricity to the fan;
L3 – voltage to the fan;
L4 – voltage to the pump;
P – voltage to the programmed output.
Fig. 1. Scheme of the connection of control device
The operation of the pump and the temperatures for the switch on / off are defined by the
C and does not increases within the period of 30 min.;
1 – digital temperature indicator;
2 – temperature setting keys;
3-6,8 – signal lights:
3 – "heating",
4 – "heating off",
5 – "pump",
6 – "fan",
8 – "programmed output".
7 – programmed output control key
Fig. 2. Front pannel of the regulating device