DAGU Playful Puppy Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 9
Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Panduan Pengguna untuk Robotika DAGU Playful Puppy. DAGU Playful Puppy 15 halaman. Quadruped robot kit
This robot works best with a small LiPo battery (7.4V, 2300mAH) but rechargeable AA NiMh batteries
are more common and easier to recharge so we will use 6x AA NiMh batteries for these instructions.
Do not use alkaline batteries, the voltage is too high and they cannot put out enough current to drive the
servos. This will cause your processor to continually reset. Use good quality batteries with at least
2000mAH capacity.
2 x 3 cell battery holders are fairly common and are small enough to fit between the legs of the robot.
Place some tape on the ends of the wires before you starts so that they can't short out before you are
ready to connect them and then install 6x fully charged batteries.
Cable tie your battery holder to the center of the mounting plate with your wires on the right hand side.
Make sure all legs can move inward about 45 degrees without hitting it. Do not make the cable ties too
tight ! You should be able to just slide the battery holder sideways out of the cable ties when it is time
to recharge the batteries.
Step 17. Mount the Magician robot controller
Attach the four supplied brass spacers to the corners of the controller PCB. Now mount the board on
the chassis with the power connection on the right hand side and the analog pins closest to the head as
shown in the second photo.