DSC LE4020CF Panduan Instalasi - Halaman 8
Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Panduan Instalasi untuk Ponsel DSC LE4020CF. DSC LE4020CF 8 halaman. Lte / 3g cellular alarm communicator
Ringer Equivalence Number (REN)
The REN is us ed to determine the number of devices that may be con-
nected to a telephone line. Exces s ive REN s on a telephone line may res ult
in the devices not ringing in res pons e to an incoming call.
In mos t but not all areas , the s um of REN s s hould not exceed five (5. 0).
To be certain of the number of devices that may be connected to a line, as
determined by the total REN s , contact the local Telephone Company. F or
products approved after J uly 23, 2001, the REN for this product is part of
the product identifier that has the format. U S : A A A EQ ##TX X X X . The
digits repres ented by ## are the REN w ithout a decimal point (e. g. , 03 is
a REN of 0. 3). F or earlier products , the REN is s eparately s how n on the
Incidence of Harm
If this equipment LE4020/LE4020CF caus es harm to the telephone netw ork,
the telephone company w ill notify you in advance that temporary dis -
continuance of s ervice may be required. But if advance notice is not prac-
tical, the Telephone Company w ill notify the cus tomer as s oon as
pos s ible. A ls o, you w ill be advis ed of your right to file a complaint w ith
the F CC if you believe it is neces s ary.
Changes in Telephone Company Equipment or Facilities
The Telephone Company may make changes in its facilities , equipment,
operations or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment.
If this happens the Telephone Company w ill provide advance notice in
order for you to make neces s ary modifications to maintain uninterrupted
s ervice.
Equipment Maintenance Facility
If trouble is experienced w ith this equipment for repair or w arranty inform-
ation, pleas e contact the facility indicated below . If the equipment is caus -
ing harm to the telephone netw ork, the Telephone Company may reques t
that you dis connect the equipment until the problem is s olved. This equip-
ment is of a type that is not intended to be repaired by the end us er.
D S C c/o A P L Logis tics , 2600 Wes t P ointe D r. . , Lithia S prings , G A
Additional Information
Connection to party line s ervice is s ubject to s tate tariffs . Contact the
s tate public utility commis s ion, public s ervice commis s ion or corporation
commis s ion for information. A larm dialling equipment mus t be able to
s eize the telephone line and place a call in an emergency s ituation. It
mus t be able to do this even if other equipment (telephone, ans w ering s ys -
tem, computer modem, etc. ) already has the telephone line in us e. To do
s o, alarm dialling equipment mus t be connected to a properly ins talled RJ -
31X jack that is electrically in s eries w ith and ahead of all other equip-
ment attached to the s ame telephone line. P roper ins tallation is depicted
in the figure below . If you have any ques tions concerning thes e ins truc-
tions , you s hould cons ult your telephone company or a qualified ins taller
about ins talling the RJ - 31X jack and alarm dialling equipment for you.
Industry Canada Compliance Statement
This Equipment meets the applicable Indus trial, S cientific and Economic
D evelopment (IS ED ) Terminal Equipment Technical S pecifications . This
is confirmed by the regis tration number. The abbreviation, IC, before the
regis tration number s ignifies that regis tration w as performed bas ed on a
D eclaration of Conformity indicating that IS ED Canada technical s pe-
cifications w ere met. It does not imply that that IS ED Canada approved
the equipment. The Ringer Equivalence N umber (REN ) for this terminal
equipment is 0. 0. The REN as s igned to each terminal equipment provides
an indication of the maximum number of terminals allow ed to be connected
to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may cons is t of
any combination of devices s ubject only to the requirement that the s um of
the Ringer Equivalence N umbers of all devices does not exceed 5.
IC:160A -LE4020
IC:160A -LE4020CF
Cet équipement es t conforme aux s pécifications techniques applicables aux
équipements terminaux d'IS ED Canada. Ceci es t confirmé par le numéro
d'enregis trement. L'abréviation IC précédant le numéro d'enregis trement s ig-
nifie que l'enregis trement a été effectué s ur la bas e de la D éclaration de
conformité indiquant que le produit es t conforme aux s pécifications tech-
niques d'IS ED Canada. Ceci n'implique pas que le produit ait été approuvé
par Indus trie Canada.
Le nombre équivalent de s onneries (REN ) de cet appareil terminal es t 0. 0.
Le REN attribué à chaque équipement terminal fournit une indication s ur
le nombre maximum de terminaux pouvant être connectés s ur une interface
téléphonique. La terminais on s ur une interface peut cons tituer en n'importe
quelle combinais on d'appareils , à la condition s eulement que la s omme des
N ombres équivalents de s onneries de tous les appareils ne s oit pas
s upérieure à 5.
This Clas s B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian
interference-caus ing equipment regulations . Cet appareil numérique de la
Clas s e B res pecte toutes les exigences de règlement s ur le matériel brouil-
leur du Canada.
CA N ICES -3 (B) / N MB-3 (B)
The term "IC:" before the radio certification number only s ignifies that
IS ED Canada technical s pecifications w ere met.
N IS T V alidation of encryption algorithm A ES 128 certificate N o. xxxx
D igital S ecurity Controls w arrants the original purchas er that for a period
of tw elve months from the date of purchas e, the product s hall be free of
defects in materials and w orkmans hip under normal us e. D uring the w ar-
ranty period, D igital S ecurity Controls s hall, at its option, repair or
replace any defective product upon return of the product to its factory, at
no charge for labour and materials . A ny replacement and/or repaired parts
are w arranted for the remainder of the original w arranty or ninety (90)
days , w hichever is longer. The original purchas er mus t promptly notify
D igital S ecurity Controls in w riting that there is defect in material or
w orkmans hip, s uch w ritten notice to be received in all events prior to
expiration of the w arranty period. There is abs olutely no w arranty on s oft-
w are and all s oftw are products are s old as a us er licens e under the terms
of the s oftw are licens e agreement included w ith the product. The Cus tomer
as s umes all res pons ibility for the proper s election, ins tallation, operation
and maintenance of any products purchas ed from D S C. Cus tom products are
only w arranted to the extent that they do not function upon delivery. In
s uch cas es , D S C can replace or credit at its option.
International Warranty
The w arranty for international cus tomers is the s ame as for any cus tomer
w ithin Canada and the U nited S tates , w ith the exception that D igital
S ecurity Controls s hall not be res pons ible for any cus toms fees , taxes , or
V A T that may be due.
Warranty Procedure
To obtain s ervice under this w arranty, pleas e return the item(s ) in ques -
tion to the point of purchas e. A ll authorized dis tributors and dealers have
a w arranty program. A nyone returning goods to D igital S ecurity Controls
mus t firs t obtain an authorization number. D igital S ecurity Controls w ill
not accept any s hipment w hats oever for w hich prior authorization has not
been obtained.
Conditions to Void Warranty
This w arranty applies only to defects in parts and w orkmans hip relating to
normal us e. It does not cover:
- damage incurred in s hipping or handling;
- damage caus ed by dis as ter s uch as fire, flood, w ind, earthquake or light-
- damage due to caus es beyond the control of D igital S ecurity Controls
s uch as exces s ive voltage, mechanical s hock or w ater damage;
- damage caus ed by unauthorized attachment, alterations , modifications or
foreign objects ;
- damage caus ed by peripherals (unles s s uch peripherals w ere s upplied by
D igital S ecurity Controls );
- defects caus ed by failure to provide a s uitable ins tallation environment
for the products ;
- damage caus ed by us e of the products for purpos es other than thos e for
w hich it w as des igned;
- damage from improper maintenance;
- damage aris ing out of any other abus e, mis handling or improper applic-
ation of the products .
Items Not Covered by Warranty
In addition to the items w hich void the Warranty, the follow ing items
s hall not be covered by Warranty: (i) freight cos t to the repair centre; (ii)
products w hich are not identified w ith D S C's product label and lot number
or s erial number; (iii) products dis as s embled or repaired in s uch a manner
as to advers ely affect performance or prevent adequate ins pection or tes t-
ing to verify any w arranty claim. A cces s cards or tags returned for replace-
ment under w arranty w ill be credited or replaced at D S C's option.
P roducts not covered by this w arranty, or otherw is e out of w arranty due to
age, mis us e, or damage s hall be evaluated, and a repair es timate s hall be
provided. N o repair w ork w ill be performed until a valid purchas e order is
received from the Cus tomer and a Return Merchandis e A uthoris ation num-
ber (RMA ) is is s ued by D S C's Cus tomer S ervice.
D igital S ecurity Controls 's liability for failure to repair the product under
this w arranty after a reas onable number of attempts w ill be limited to a
replacement of the product, as the exclus ive remedy for breach of w ar-
ranty. U nder no circums tances s hall D igital S ecurity Controls be liable for
any s pecial, incidental, or cons equential damages bas ed upon breach of
w arranty, breach of contract, negligence, s trict liability, or any other legal
theory. S uch damages include, but are not limited to, los s of profits , los s
of the product or any as s ociated equipment, cos t of capital, cos t of s ub-
s titute or replacement equipment, facilities or s ervices , dow n time, pur-
chas er's time, the claims of third parties , including cus tomers , and injury
to property. The law s of s ome juris dictions limit or do not allow the dis -
claimer of cons equential damages . If the law s of s uch a juris diction apply
to any claim by or agains t D S C, the limitations and dis claimers contained
here s hall be to the greates t extent permitted by law . S ome s tates do not
allow the exclus ion or limitation of incidental or cons equential damages ,
s o that the above may not apply to you.
Disclaimer of Warranties
Th is w arran ty con tain s th e en tire w arran ty an d s h all b e in lieu of
an y an d all oth er w arran ties , w h eth er exp res s ed or im p lied (in clu d -
in g all im p lied w arran ties of m erch an tab ility or fitn es s for a p ar-
ticu lar p u rp os e) A n d of all oth er ob ligation s or liab ilities on th e p art
of D igital S ecu rity C on trols D igital S ecu rity C on trols n eith er
as s u m es res p on s ib ility for, n or au th orizes an y oth er p ers on p u r-
p ortin g to act on its b eh alf to m od ify or to ch an ge th is w arran ty, n or
to as s u m e for it an y oth er w arran ty or liab ility con cern in g th is
p rod u ct.
This disclaimer of warranties and limited war-
ranty are governed by the laws of the province of
Ontario, Canada.
D igital S ecurity Controls recommends that the entire s ys tem be com-
pletely tes ted on a regular bas is . H ow ever, des pite frequent tes ting, and
due to, but not limited to, criminal tampering or electrical dis ruption, it is
pos s ible for this product to fail to perform as expected.
Installer's Lockout
A ny products returned to D S C w hich have the Ins taller's Lockout option
enabled and exhibit no other problems w ill be s ubject to a s ervice charge.
Out of Warranty Repairs
D igital S ecurity Controls w ill at its option repair or replace out-of- w ar-
ranty products w hich are returned to its factory according to the follow ing
conditions . A nyone returning goods to D igital S ecurity Controls mus t firs t
obtain an authorization number. D igital S ecurity Controls w ill not accept
any s hipment w hats oever for w hich prior authorization has not been
P roducts w hich D igital S ecurity Controls determines to be repairable w ill
be repaired and returned. A s et fee w hich D igital S ecurity Controls has
predetermined and w hich may be revis ed from time to time, w ill be
charged for each unit repaired.
P roducts w hich D igital S ecurity Controls determines not to be repairable
w ill be replaced by the neares t equivalent product available at that time.
The current market price of the replacement product w ill be charged for
each replacement unit.
© 2018 Tyco S ecurity P roducts . A ll Rights Res erved.
Tech S upport: 1-800-387-3630 (Canada & U . S . ) or 905-760-3000
w w w . ds c. com
The trademarks , logos , and s ervice marks dis played on this document are
regis tered in the U nited S tates [or other countries ]. A ny mis us e of the
trademarks is s trictly prohibited and Tyco w ill aggres s ively enforce its
intellectual property rights to the fulles t extent of the law , including pur-
s uit of criminal pros ecution w herever neces s ary. A ll trademarks not ow ned
by Tyco are the property of their res pective ow ners , and are us ed w ith per-
mis s ion or allow ed under applicable law s .
P roduct offerings and s pecifications are s ubject to change w ithout notice.
A ctual products may vary from photos . N ot all products include all fea-
tures . A vailability varies by region; contact your s ales repres entative.