austriamicrosystems AS3930 Catatan Aplikasi - Halaman 3
Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Catatan Aplikasi untuk Penerima austriamicrosystems AS3930. austriamicrosystems AS3930 9 halaman. Programmable 1d low frequency wakeup receiver
Application Note AS3930 – Description of Demosystem
The demo-kit consists of a AS3930 LF wake-up receiver board, a 3V CR2032 Lithium Battery, a LF transmitter
board and a 9V power supply. The power supply cable is not included and has to be chosen according to the
specific plug (depending on the country).
The receiver board supports single dimensional field detection and can show the main functionality of the
AS3930. The receiver board can work completely stand alone; in fact neither power supply nor a PC are
needed. It is possible to see the AS3930 main functionality just operating the buttons present on the board. The
chip will be programmed using a microcontroller.
The transmitter board generates the field capable to wake the receiver up. Even this board does not need any
PC connection but has to be supplied by the included power supply. With this demo system it is possible to get up
to 5m communication range.
Overview of the RX board
The receiver board (RX-Board) consist of an AS3930 LF-Wakeup receiver, a microcontroller for programming
the device, a single axis coil, a main switch, 2 pin connectors shorted with a jumper (where to measure the current
consumption of the AS3930), a set of 4 pin connectors where to monitor the out coming signals of the AS3930, 1
button to program the AS3930, 3 red LEDs which show 3 different setups for the AS3930, and arrays of 5 green
LEDs showing the RSSI of the received signal.
A top view of the board is shown in the Fig. 1.
Figure 1: top view of the AS3930 LF Wake-up Receiver demo board
To power-up the board, the battery has to be set into the battery holder (see the back side of the board), facing
the plus (+) up, the main switch has to be put on and the microcontroller has to be reset by pushing the button
RST (reset microcontroller). On the top
As shown in the figure 1 on the top side of the RX board there are few jumpers divided in two groups; the
control signal for the SPI (CS, CLK, DI, DO) and the output signals of the AS3930 (WAKE, DAT, DAT_CL). With
the help of an oscilloscope it is possible to monitor these signals when the board is working.
The MODE button allows the application to program the AS3930 in three different modes:
P1: the AS3930 is programmed to detect and wakeup on the standard pattern (96)h –Manchester-.
P2: the AS3930 is programmed to detect and wakeup on an alternative pattern (C8)h –Manchester-.
RSSI_ON: the AS3930 is programmed to wakeup on frequency detection only
Version 1.0, Date: 09/03/2010
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