GREAT PLANES Cosmic Wind Buku Petunjuk - Halaman 9

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GREAT PLANES Cosmic Wind Buku Petunjuk

Install the Elevators and Rudder

1. Test fi t the elevators to the horizontal stabilizer with the
elevator joiner wire in each elevator half and six 10 × 15 mm
CA hinges. If the hinges don't remain centered, stick a pin
through the middle of the hinge to hold it in position. Check that
both elevator halves are aligned. If not, remove the elevators
and while holding one leg of the elevator joiner wire, slightly
bend the other. Reinstall the elevator halves and check again.
2. Coat the inside of the two elevator joiner wire holes and
the ends of the elevator joiner wire with 30-minute epoxy.
Install the two elevator halves and remove any pins you may
have inserted into the hinges. Adjust the elevators so there is
a small gap between the LE of the elevators and the horizontal
stabilizer. The gap should be small, just enough to see light
through or to slip a piece of paper through.
3. Apply four drops of thin CA to the top and bottom of each
hinge. Allow the CA to wick along the hinge. Do not use CA
accelerator. After the CA has fully hardened, test the hinges
by pulling on the elevator.
two 2 mm self tapping screws.
hinges and install the hinges in the rudder. Insert the tail gear
Temporary Pin
wire in the rudder and check the fi t of the rudder on the fi n.
to Keep Hinge
of the tail gear wire with 30-minute epoxy. Install the rudder
on the fi n and remove the pins. Apply four drops of thin CA
to the hinges.
on the tail wheel wire.
The Cosmic Wind EP has been designed to use the ElectriFly
RimFire .10 Outrunner Brushless motor. If you will be installing
a different motor, you may need to modify the plywood motor
plate in the front of the fuselage.
4. Attach the tail gear to the bottom of the fuselage with
5. As with the elevators, insert pins into the center of the
6. Coat the inside of the tail gear wire hole and the end
7. Use a 3 mm set screw to secure the 2mm wheel collar

Install the Motor