Majestic Portofino Panduan Instalasi - Halaman 2

Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Panduan Instalasi untuk Perlengkapan Kamar Mandi Majestic Portofino. Majestic Portofino 14 halaman. 17- or 24-mm surface wall profiles
Juga untuk Majestic Portofino: Panduan Instalasi (14 halaman)

These Instructions are for a left and right
handed unit. The diagrams show a left handed
unit. You will have to determine which hand of
unit you have before work commences.
The Majestic Shower Company Limited
One North Place, Edinburgh Way, Harlow Essex
CM20 2SL England,
Telephone + 44 (0) 8448 001 500
Facsimile + 44 (0) 1279 635 074
[email protected]