Indesit TIDW70111 Informasi Kesehatan & Keselamatan, Penggunaan & Perawatan, Panduan Pemasangan, dan Informasi Pendaftaran Garansi Online - Halaman 11

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Indesit TIDW70111 Informasi Kesehatan & Keselamatan, Penggunaan & Perawatan, Panduan Pemasangan, dan Informasi Pendaftaran Garansi Online
The information contained in the table is intended as guide only.
本機測試洗衣程序根據 EN 60456 準則:設定節能棉質洗衣程序,水溫 60℃。
Test wash cycle in compliance with regulation EN 60456: set wash cycle Eco Cotton with a temperature of 60℃.
備註 Remarks
(1) 設計以較低水溫配合高轉速,適用於日常洗濯輕微或一般污漬棉質或合成纖維衣物。
The best daily washing solution. Particularly useful for lightly and normally soiled textiles made of cotton or synthetic fabrics, as it washes at low
temperature and at maximum spin speed.
(2) 此程序用水溫 40℃及 60℃以洗濯棉質衣物,配合系統設計結合內桶轉速及洗濯模式,從而達至節省能源及水源之效。
For washing normally soiled cotton garments. At 40℃ and 60℃, this is the standard cotton programme and the most efficient in terms of water and
energy consumption.
(3) 毛織衣物標籤上附有可機洗及手洗標誌,始可以此程序進行洗濯。配用羊毛衣物專用洗滌劑以獲得更佳洗衣效果。切勿超出此程序的最高洗衣量1kg 。
All wool garments can be washed using programme Wool even those carrying the hand-wash only label. For best results, use special detergents and
do not exceed max kg declaration of laundry.