ArcFamily ArcEquine Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 15

Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Panduan Pengguna untuk Peralatan Medis ArcFamily ArcEquine. ArcFamily ArcEquine 16 halaman.

Please note:
Some horses with thin/very fair skin may, after prolonged use, develop a sensitivity
reaction, manifesting in a 'rub' type condition and even some loss of hair.
In order to prevent this in any animal we make the following recommendations:
1. Do not use every day for more than 6 weeks. Thereafter revert to the maintenance
2. Do not overtighten the elasticated velcro straps. The carbon rubber ArcPads, plus
gel are extremely sensitive so no pressure is required to maintain a good contact
3. Do not use for more than 3 hours in any single session
4. Remove the leg strap after every 3 hours of use
5. Do not use overnight
6. Do not use such that the leg strap/bandage covers any injury
7. Rotate the leg strap between sound legs each day


Users are responsible for full reading and understanding of this user manual, and correct and complete application of
the equipment manual instructions.
ArcEquine is only for use specifically as directed on horses.