Epson DM-D10x Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 40

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Epson DM-D10x Panduan Pengguna

6.2.5. Cutting the Paper

The following code causes the printer to cut the paper.
Printer.FontSize = 10
Printer.FontName = "control"
Printer.Print "F"

6.2.6. Printing a Bar Code

The next example shows how to print out a bar code.
' Set H R I charact ers
Pri nt er. Font Si ze = 10
Pri nt er. Font N am e = " cont rol "
Pri nt er. Pri nt " q"
' Pri nt t he bar code.
Pri nt er. Font Si ze = 42
Pri nt er. Font N am e = " ITF"
Pri nt er. Pri nt " 123456"
Pri nt er. E ndD oc
'Set up the control font.
'Use special-function character to cut the
'F: Full cut
'P: Partial cut
' Set up t he cont rol f ont .
' U se speci al - f unct i on charact er t o sel ect t he
bar- code t ype.
' p: N o H R I charact ers
' q: Incl ude H R I charact ers above bar code
( usi ng f ont A ) .
' r: Incl ude H R I charact ers bel ow bar code
( usi ng f ont A ) .
' s: Incl ude H R I charact ers above bar code
( usi ng f ont B ) .
' t : Incl ude H R I charact ers bel ow bar code
( usi ng f ont B ) .
' Set t he bar- code f ont si ze.
' Sel ect t he bar- code pri nt er f ont .
' Pri nt t he bar- code dat a.
TM Printer Driver
User's Manual