DIGISYNTHETIC DSM 104 Petunjuk Pengoperasian - Halaman 5

Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Petunjuk Pengoperasian untuk Peralatan Perekaman DIGISYNTHETIC DSM 104. DIGISYNTHETIC DSM 104 10 halaman. Professional mixing console dsp

This use for conectionctionction into
line level equipment.


Line with connection 1/4 jack 0S line
input of L,R stereo and input the signal
of balance line level,if the signal input
the input terniant of right side , output
into the side only , if each signal input
the inpuy teminal of left &right output a
stereo of left & right.
17) PAD (-10dB)
When push this switch, atteruates the
input signal-10dB
18) GAIN
Adjusts unput sensitivity from 0dB to
The sound tone controls are positioned
a f t e r t h e G A I N c o n t r o l ( 1 8 ) ; t h e
boosting of these controls can cause
channel overloading, in which case the
PEAK LEDwill illuminate (23); turn the
G A I N c o n t r o l k n o b ( 1 8 ) i n a n
anticlockwise direction until the PEAK
LED (10) goes out.
: controls the high range of
signals ( 15dB). When the knob is
centrally positioned (zero point ) ,sound
tone remains unchanged. Turn the knob
anticlockwise to gradually
h i g h f r e q u e n c i e s ( v o c a l s w i t h l e s s
cutting, etc.): turn the knob clockwise to
boost high frequencies (sounds are
higlighted, vocals are more intelligible,
signal harmonics are emphasised).
- M I D :
c o n t r o l s t h e m i d - r a n g e o f
signals ( 12dB). when the knob is
centrally positioned (zero point), sound
tone remains unchanged. Turn the knob
anticlockwise to gradually reduce mid
frequencies (reduction of mid part of
sound, tones at extremes of high and low
ranges are emphasised, typical of dance
music tones); turn the knob clockwise
to boost mid frequencies (sound body is
highlighted, greater overall
power and more nasal tone).
-LOW: controls the low range of
signals ( 15dB). When the knob is
centrally positioned (zero point), sound
tone remains unchanged. Turn the knob
anticlockwise to gradually reduce low
f r e q u e n c i e s ( b o o m i s n e u t r a l i s e d ,
excessivel low sounds are removed);
turn the knob clockwise to Boost low
sounds are removed); turn the knob
clockwise to boost low freuencies (more
fullbodied sound, highlighting of main
signal frequencies, percussive sound
more pronouncad).
20) AUX1 AUX2
Use this control to the level of signal
from external soure and the main signal
control is recontroued by MASTER or
SUB section.
21) EFF1 EFF2
Use this control when you want to get
effect sound by adjustment of input
signal, when you don`tuse extemal
soure digital will be working which
installed inside.
22) PAN
K n o b f o r a d j u s t i n g s i g n a l s t e r e o
position,for constant variation for the
stereo image .Turn the knob to the left
(L)or right (R) to vary the proportion of
the two signals; turn the knob to far left
or far right to eliminate the opposite
signal. To connect stereo soures, use two
mono channels; position one PAN to
the left (L), the othe to the right (R).
23) PEAK 0dB-10dB
Red LED that lighs up when the signal
level at the tone control output is rear
clipping point. yellow LED is 0dB,
green LED is-20dB.
24) PFL
The PFL (pre Fader Listen) function
allows the level to be listened to before
the action of the volume control
25) SUB1-2
Push the switch, can use sub1-2fader
26) MAIN L-R
If you want to use master L-R fader,
push this switch.
ALPS 60mm slide control , with dust
guard. The fader adjusts channel signal
level to be sent to the main Master
MAIN controls L-R(41). Set the slider
to 0dB for maximum signal level; slide
downwards to lower and eventually
eliminate ( ) the signal.