Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 15
Jelajahi secara online atau unduh pdf Panduan Pengguna untuk Ponsel Samsung Verizon SCH-U485. Samsung Verizon SCH-U485 38 halaman.
em ergency num ber in t he case of fire, t raffic accident or m edical
em ergencies. Rem em ber, it is a free call on your wireless phone!
9. Use your wireless phone t o help ot hers in em ergencies. I f you see
an aut o accident , crim e in progress or ot her serious em ergency
where lives are in danger, call 9- 1- 1 or ot her local em ergency
num ber, as you would want ot hers t o do for you.
10. Call roadside assist ance or a special non- em ergency wireless
assist ance num ber when necessary. I f you see a broken- down
vehicle posing no serious hazard, a broken t raffic signal, a m inor
t raffic accident where no one appears inj ured, or a vehicle you
know t o be st olen, call roadside assist ance or ot her special non-
em ergency num ber.
"Th e w ir e le ss in du st r y r e m in ds you t o u se you r ph one sa fe ly w h e n
dr iving."
For m or e in for m a t ion , ple a se ca ll 1 - 8 8 8 - 9 0 1 - SAFE, or visit ou r
w e b- sit e w w w .w ow - com .com
Pr ovide d by t h e Ce llu la r Te le com m u n ica t ions & I nt e r n e t
Associa t ion
Ope r a t in g En vir on m e n t
Rem em ber t o follow any special regulat ions in force in any area and
always swit ch your phone off whenever it is forbidden t o use it , or w hen it
m ay cause int erference or danger. When connect ing t he phone or any
accessory t o anot her device, read it s user's guide for det ailed safet y
inst ruct ions. Do not connect incom pat ible product s.
As wit h ot her m obile radio t ransm it t ing equipm ent , users are advised t hat
for t he sat isfact ory operat ion of t he equipm ent and for t he safet y of
personnel, it is recom m ended t hat t he equipm ent should only be used in
t he norm al operat ing posit ion ( held t o your ear wit h t he ant enna point ing
over your shoulder) .
Usin g You r Ph on e N e a r Ot h e r Ele ct r on ic D e vice s
Most m odern elect ronic equipm ent is shielded from radio frequency ( RF)
signals. However, cert ain elect ronic equipm ent m ay not be shielded
against t he RF signals from your wireless phone. Consult t he
m anufact urer t o discuss alt ernat ives.
Pa ce m a k e r s
Pacem aker m anufact urers recom m end t hat a m inim um dist ance of 15 cm
( 6 inches) be m aint ained bet ween a wireless phone and a pacem aker t o
avoid pot ent ial int erference wit h t he pacem aker.
These recom m endat ions are consist ent wit h t he independent research
and recom m endat ions of Wireless Technology Research.
Pe r son s w it h pa ce m a k e r s:
should always keep t he phone m ore t han 15 cm
( 6 inches) from t heir pacem aker when t he phone is swit ched on.
should not carry t he phone in a breast pocket .