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Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Panduan Konfigurasi
Configuring the Catena Solution

Benefits of Catena

Catena offers a range of features for chaining devices without affecting the existing topology or configuration.
Some of the key benefits of catena are as follows:
• Segmentation of traffic.
• User can select the traffic to be chained via ACLs.
• No dependency on Nexus hardware architecture; independent of line card types, ASICs, or Nexus switch
• No proprietary packet headers.
• User does not have to buy any service module or specialized hardware.
• CAPEX savings.
• OPEX savings: Without catena, the user has to do VLAN stitching or create a default gateway, which
• Telemetry and analytics.
• Without catena, all traffic is either in a chain or not in a chain. Catena allows partitioning of traffic
• Without catena, the user cannot create multiple chains using the same network elements.
• Catena is also a platform, for which users can write applications.

Enabling Chaining with Catena

You can create multiple chains, each comprising multiple functions and services; configure each chain to run
on multiple devices; and apply network policies to these elements.You can create two types of chains:
• Transparent mode: This is a Layer 2 chain, where the appliances are directly connected to the Nexus
• Routed mode: This is a Layer 3 chain, where the appliances are connected to each other through the
If you create an appliance cluster, then the traffic is equally distributed to these appliances.

Deployment Modes

This section describes the various modes in which the Catena solution can be deployed.
time, it is used to load balance the traffic. Catena also handles automatic failure. Note that at the time
of failure, you do not need to intervene.
is very hard to deploy; it is hard to add or remove devices.
securely through multiple chains.
Nexus switch.
Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches Configuration Guide: The Catena Solution
Benefits of Catena