Epson 3880 - Stylus Pro Color Inkjet Printer Panduan Manajemen Warna - Halaman 4

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Epson 3880 - Stylus Pro Color Inkjet Printer Panduan Manajemen Warna
Set Up the Photoshop Environment
1. Open Photoshop.
2. Select
Edit > Color Settings
3. Select
North America Prepress 2
(1998) as the RGB working space and activate profile messages.
4. Click
Follow the steps in the next section to open the photo you want to print and
assign a profile to it.
Assign a Profile to Your Photo
1. Open the photo you want to print.
2. If you see an Embedded Profile Mismatch message, select
embedded profile
If you see a Missing Profile message, select
RGB (1998)
balance and contrast as displayed on your monitor. If it looks incorrect, select
Edit > Assign Profile
Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP
and click
and click
. When your image appears, evaluate the color
from the Settings menu to set Adobe RGB
Assign working RGB: Adobe
Use the