TomTom GO DISCOVER Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 11

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TomTom GO DISCOVER Panduan Pengguna
internet connection.
NOTE: TomTom's Speed Camera Alerts service may not be available in the country you are
driving through. For drivers traveling through France, TomTom provides the Danger and Risk
Zone Warnings service. In Switzerland and Germany, the use of devices that alert users to
the locations of fixed and mobile speed camera locations are prohibited. In compliance with
these laws, speed camera alerts have been deactivated on all TomTom GPS Sat Navs. You can,
however, reactivate these alerts for travel outside Germany and Switzerland. Since the legality
of speed camera alerts varies throughout the EU, this service is available for use at your own risk.
TomTom assumes no liability for your use of these alerts and warnings.

Speed Camera Alert Notifications

Depending on your settings you will be notified of speed camera locations through the following:
+ Speed camera icon in the route bar and along your route on the map
+ Distance to the speed camera in the route bar
+ Speed limit at the camera's location in the route bar
+ Audible alert as you get closer to the camera's location
+ Your speed is monitored when you are approaching a camera's location and when you are
driving in an average speed check zone. 
If you drive more than 5 km/h (3 mph) over the designated speed limit, the route bar will turn
red. If you drive up to 5 km/h (3 mph) over the designated speed limit, the route bar will turn
To see the type of traffic enforcement camera, the maximum speed, and the length of an average
speed check zone in the map and guidance views, select one of the speed camera icons in the
route bar. In the map view, you can also select a traffic enforcement camera type that appears
along your route.

Reporting a speed camera location

If you pass a speed camera location that you did not receive an alert about, please report
it. Make sure you are connected to TomTom services and are signed in to your TomTom
account. Once you have reported the camera's location, the details will be saved to your device,
anonymized and then shared with other drivers. You can report speed camera locations in two
(2) ways:

1: Using the speed panel

Tap the speed camera symbol on the speed panel in the guidance view
2. To confirm that your speed camera report has been registered, you will see a message
thanking you for the update 

2: Using the quick menu

Tap the current location icon or the speed panel in the guidance view
2. Then tap Report speed camera from the pop-up menu
3. To confirm that your speed camera report has been registered, you will see a message
thanking you for the update
NOTE: to delete a speed camera report, tap Cancel in the message.

Updating location information for cameras and hazards

Just after you pass the known location of a mobile speed camera, you will be asked in a route
bar message if the camera is still there. Tap Yes to confirm or No to update camera location