Artistic License Net-Lynx O/P U Panduan Pengguna - Halaman 5
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Configuration' below).
In contrast, Art-Net 3 and sACN can carry up
to 32768 and 65536 universes respectively.
To handle these large values, the concept
of a 16-bit port address including a 'Net'
field is introduced. The port address of each
DMX512 universe is a number composed of
the (Net)+(Sub-Net)+(Universe). Because
the product has no 'Net' wheel selectors,
configuration must be done remotely if a port
address greater than 256 is required.
Note that settings made remotely override the
wheel selectors on the front panel, in effect
locking them out. If the all the LED indicators
flash 3 times when a wheel selector setting
is changed, this means that the product has
been remotely configured.
Remote Configuration
There are two ways of remotely configuring
Net-Lynx O/P. These are: 1) using DMX-
Workshop or 2) using the product's internal
DMX-Workshop™ is a software application
that runs on the Windows XP & Windows 7
platforms. It is free of charge and available via
download from the Artistic Licence website.
DMX-Workshop is a fully featured network
management, analysis, configuration and
diagnostics tool for Art-Net networks.
When Net-Lynx O/P is connected to a
computer running DMX-Workshop, it should
be detected and displayed as an Art-Net node
(click the 'Node List' tab to verify this).
The node can be expanded to show the
configuration and DMX output information, as
shown in the screen-shot opposite.
Right-clicking on any entry brings up a menu
that offers various functionality:
The 'Configure Node' option enables
configuration of the Universe, Sub-Net
and Net values. It also allows the user to
give the device a short and long name.
'Copy to clipboard' enables all the node
information to be pasted into a support
request email.
Net-Lynx O/P User Guide
'Merge Controls' (selectable only on
individual DMX outputs) enables the
choice of LTP (latest takes preference)
or HTP (highest takes preference) merge
'Indicators' enables selection of normal,
locate or mute for the LED indicators.
Normal is the default behaviour, locate
causes the selected port LED to flash,
and mute turns off all the LEDs.
'RDM Devices' offers options for device
discovery on RDM networks.
'Advanced' leads to 'Programme Upload'
and 'Configure IP Address'. These are
described in more detail below.
Firmware Upgrades
The 'Programme Upload' option enables
the user to upgrade the product's firmware.
DMX-Workshop stores the firmware files
in C:\Program Files\Artistic Licence\DMX-
Workshop\Firmware as e.g. AL500x v1-76.
alf. Selection of the desired file is made via a
pop-up window that shows the available files.
It is strongly recommended that the firmware
upgrade be applied to all output ports (check
the 'Tick All' box in the next window).
IP Address Configuration
Choosing the 'Configure IP Address' in the
'Advanced' menu brings up a window that
shows the IP and Subnet Mask.
The IP uniquely identifies any nodes or
controllers on a network, while the Subnet
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