AERMEC Omnia UL 16 PC Panduan Penggunaan dan Instalasi - Halaman 6

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OMNIA UL PC fancoils are delivered ready to operate
in standard configuration, though can be adjusted by the
installation technician to specific requirements by means of
dedicated accessories and configuration of functions at the
internal dipswitches (see DIPSWITCH CONFIGURATION).
Response to controls is immediate, except in special cases.
Unit types
OMNIA UL PC fancoils are designed for twin-tube units, in
the following types:
- without valve;
- with 2-way valve (water probe below valve);
- with 3-way valve (water probe above valve).
Ventilation speed can be controlled either manually by set-
ting the selector switch A to position V1, V2 or V3 (the fan
operates in on-off cycles according to the speed selected),
or automatically when the selector switch is set to the AUTO
position (fan speed is controlled by the thermostat according
to room temperature detected).
On systems with a valve (dip1 = ON) and a Water Probe
installed upstream of the valve (dip2 = ON), a delay (maxi-
mum 2'40'') can be set between the valve switching on and
the fan starting up (pre-heating of the heat exchanger).
Ventilation can only take place with the louvers open. On
models where the louvers are not motorised these must be
opened manually.
Season changeover
The thermostat changes seasonal operation automatically.
Season changeover takes place according to the water tem-
perature detected in the unit.
According to the dipswitch settings, two types of season
change (water side) are possible:
- Dip1 = OFF, Dip2 = OFF (standard configuration) with
minimum/maximum temperature control only;
- Dip1 = ON, Dip2 = ON (configuration with three-way
valve and probe before the valve) with minimum/maximum
temperature control and coil preheating (fan operation delay
maximum 2'40").
n the case of special units with water probe below the valve
or fitted with 2-way valve, season change takes place from the
air side, through operation of the temperature selector switch.
Though this setting allows use of the fancoil in pre-existing 2-
way valve plants, it is not recommended, given that it hampers
the operation of the electronic thermostat (the Heating/Cooling
mode status display by LED is altered, depending on the tem-
perature selected and the room air temperature).
Water temperature controls
The thermostat only enables fan operation when the water
temperature is suitable for Heating or Cooling mode.
Both the hot and cold starting up temperatures can be set to
suit the conditions under which the system operates.
The hot starting up threshold can be selected using Dip 5:
OFF position for normal Heat (39°C) and ON position for
reduced Heat (35°C).
The cold starting up threshold can be selected using Dip 6:
OFF position for normal Cold (17°C) and ON position for
reduced Cold (22°C).
If the water temperature is not suitable for the operating
mode selected, LED lamp C on the control panel flashes
alternately pink, red and blue next to the relative mode; this
display is switched off when Dip1 = ON and Dip 2 = OFF.
Valve control
La valvola può essere controllata in due modalità:
- optimised: this mode exploits the capacity of the fancoil
(Heating) to supply heat even when fan operation has been
shut down; during Cooling, ventilation continues for control
of room temperature by the valve.
- normal: the valve opens or closes, depending on whether
the fan starts up or shuts down.
Probe correction
The required correction to be applied to the ambient probe
can be selected.
IULPCLJ 1411 - 6976408_03
Frost Protection
This function prevents room temperature from dropping
below an ambient temperature of 7°C (even when the fan-
coil is off and selector switch A is in the OFF position).
In the event that room temperature drops below 7°C, the
thermostat starts up the fancoil in heating mode at a tem-
perature setting of 12°C and fan operation set to AUTO (if
permitted by water temperature, the unit is connected to
the power supply and the louvers are open, in the case of
manual units).
Frost protection mode is deactivated when room temperatu-
re rises above 9°C.
Emergency mode
In the event of failure of the SA ambient sensor, the thermo-
stat goes into Emergency mode as indicated by the yellow
LED (D) flashing. Under these conditions the control panel
operates in the following way:
- with selector switch (A) in OFF position: la valvola acqua è
chiusa ed il fan off.
- with selector switch (A) in AUTO, V1, V2 or V3 position: la
valvola acqua è sempre aperta ed il the fan performs on-off
cycles; in this case, the power supplied by the terminal is
controlled manually by means of the temperature selector
switch (B): rotate the switch to right to increase cycle dura-
tion, or to the left to reduce it.
The Plasmacluster air purifier is activated at the same time as
the ventilation whether hot or cold.
The functioning of the device is indicated by a yellow Led
coming on the control panel.
The Plasmacluster purification breaks down the water and
oxygen molecules normally present in ambient air ("damp-
ness" and "oxygen"), into positive and negative ions. These
ions liberated into the air will stick to the molecules of the
polluting substances and by being recombined (once activa-
ted) decomposes them into non-toxic sub-products (water,
oxygen and carbon dioxide etc..).
The fancoils are sent with standard packaging consisting of
protective shells and boxes.


WARNING: before carrying out any work, put the proper
individual protection devices on.
WARNING: before carrying out any work, make sure the
electrical power is unplugged.
CAUTION: electrical connections, the installation of the
fan coils and their accessories must only be carried out
by people with the proper technical and professional qua-
lifications for the installation, conversion, expansion and
maintenance of the machinery and able to check that it is
working properly and safe.
Install the fancoil in a position that will facilitate routine
(filter cleaning) and special maintenance, and easy access
to the air breather valve on the side of the unit (connections
Note that certain operating conditions could lead to the for-
mation of condensate on the unit housing with subsequent
dripping, or faults to the water circuit or condensate draina-
ge could cause liquids to overflow. For these reasons, avoid
installing the unit on surfaces damageable by moisture.
Make sure that the unit is installed in a site where the
ambient temperature is inside the minimum and maximum
limits 0 - 45°C (<85% R.H.).
To install the unit, proceed as follows:
- Remove the cover by unscrewing the screws in the head
piece under the doors.
- In the case of wall mounting, ensure a minimum distance
of 80 mm from the floor. For free-standing installation on
feet, refer to the instructions provided with the unit.
- Use expansion plugs (not supplied) when mounting the