EG&G ORTEC 552 Panduan Pengoperasian dan Servis - Halaman 12

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For the external bias circuit, a dc level between 0 and
-10 V can be furnished through CN2and is divided by R56
and R57. The result that is selected by switch S2 is then
furnished through the same buffering and coupling net
work to the lower-level discriminator.
The threshold for the upper-level discriminator is ad
justed with the front panel Upper-Level control, R48. The
range for this control is 0 to -5 V. The adjusted level is
buffered through IC1-14 and furnished through either
R60 or R61, through operational amplifier IC1-8, and to
the noninverting input of the upper-level discriminator,
IC2. When switch S3 is set at either Integral or Normal,
the gain of this adjusted bias is 1.0; when the switch
selects Window, the gain is reduced to 0.1 and the effec
tive range of the control is thus reduced by a factor of 10.
Also, when the switch selects Window, the level that is
furnished from IC1-1 for the lower-level discriminator
is also furnished through R62 to IC1-8. Thus the adjusted
lower level becomes, effectively, the base to which the
upper level is added and the result is a window of 0 to 1 V
based on the lower-level threshold.
The analog input signal to be analyzed is furnished
through CN1 on the front panel and through an attenuator
network. The ATTN switch, SI, on the front panel can be
set at XI, X10, or X100. When it is set at XI, the full am
plitude input signal is furnished to a peak stretcher and
through a divide-by-two network into each of the four
discriminator circuits. The output of the peak stretcher
is divided by two so that the original input amplitude
range of 0 to 10 V corresponds to a 0 to 5 V range at the
input to each discriminator and this corresponds directly
to the 0 to 5 V range that is provided for each comparator.
If the switch is set at X10 attenuation, the input signal is
divided through R1 and R5 so that 1/10 of the input signal
amplitude is available for the internal circuits. If the switch
is set at X100, the signal is attenuated to 1% of its original
amplitude by division through R1 in series with the par
allel network of R5 and R3.
The attenuator output is applied to a stretcher circuit that
stores the peak amplitude of its input as a stretched level
until it is discharged. The discharge signal is furnished
from 106-12 and occurs only after a trigger has occurred
in both the channel A and channel B discriminator out
puts and the lower-level discriminator has been reset.
Because of this logic, if the channel B-Fraction selector
switch on the front panel is set at Bl and the input does
not cross zero, the channel B discriminator will not be
triggered and the module will lock up since its logic can
not be reset.
Jumper J1, shown on the schematic, is installed during a
test adjustment of the dc zero level of the stretcher and
is removed for normal operation. See Section 6.2 for cali
bration information.
Integrated circuit package IC3 is the lower-level discrim
inator. As long as the input level at its pin 4 is lower than
the reference level at pin 3, the output at pin 9 is high.
When the input amplitude rises through the reference
level, the output at pin 9 switches to the low state. Then
when the input amplitude decays back through the refer
ence level, the pin 9 output switches back to high again.
When the pin 9 output goes low, this sets flip flop IC4-6
and IC4-3 high to identify the lower-level trigger point.
The switch to high at IC4-3 is furnished through an output
generator, Q18 through Q22, to generate a NIM-standard
slow positive pulse through LL Out connector CN6. It is
also furnished as one input to 105-11, where a decision is
made for the single-channel logic. With both inputs high,
105-11 switches to low to identify that the logic is satis
fied. Unless this condition is cancelled by a response from
the upper-level discriminator before the constant-fraction
circuits are triggered, the output of 103-11 enables the
gates for the SCA outputs.
To prevent multiple firings of the discriminator near the
threshold level, a hysteresis of about 5 mV is furnished
to the lower-level discriminator by R220 and R219.
Integrated circuit package 102 is the upper-level discrimi
nator. As long as the input level at its pin 4 is lower than
the reference level at pin 3, the output at pin 9 is high.
When the input amplitude rises through the reference
level, the output at pin 9 switches to low and sets flip flop
104-11 and 104-8, with 104-11 going high. If switch S3
is set at Normal or Window, the upper-level discriminator
response provides a low from 105-8 to cancel the logic at
105-11 and to prevent any SCA output from being gener
ated. If switch S3 is set at Integral, the upper-level re
sponse is not used at 103-11.
When 104-11 goes high, an output generator, 013
through 017, triggers and generates a NIM-standard slow
positive pulse through UL Out connector 0N4.
A 5 mV hysteresis is used to prevent multiple firings near
the threshold for 102. This is generated by R218and R124.
The channel A discriminator is 107. The input signal is
furnished through pin 3 and the reference level is fur
nished through pin 4. At the onset of the input pulse, the
level at pin 3 rises faster than the level through pin 4 and
this generates a low output at pin 9 and a high at pin 11.
The level at pin 4 is furnished from the peak stretcher so
it will remain at a fixed level, which is a proportional
amplitude with reference to the input peak, while the input
pulse decays. When the input pulse decay crosses the
reference level, 107 is reset to generate the channel A
trigger. Jumper J3 on the printed circuit board selects
which of the three fractions is effective for the reference
level; this can be set at 10%, 20%, or 50% down from the
peak amplitude (90%, 80%, or 50% respectively of the
peak amplitude).
When 107 is reset and its pin 11 goes to ground, a 10-ns
negative pulse is generated from 108-15 through Q23,
108-6, and DL1. If the A SOA gate, 108-2, has been en
abled by a low from Q27A (logic is satisfied) the output