AddSecure IRIS-4 160 Manuale rapido di installazione e manutenzione - Pagina 5

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IRIS-4 160
Quick Installation and
Maintenance Guide

6.5. 4g/3g/2g SIM Card

DO NOT FIT SIM card until after you have
performed the 4G/3G/2G Network Scan detailed in
the Section 6 . 9 "Configuration" . You will be prompt-
ed when to insert the SIM card .

6.6. Dial Capture

Dial Capture enabled systems: Connect the two dial
screw terminals to the alarm panel dialler telecoms
line connection . If the alarm panel has screw connec-
tions .
Note: Polarity is not important in this instance.
For EN 50136-2: 2013 compliance fit the supplied
18K sense resistor in parallel with the dialler output
of the alarm panel, at the alarm panel end of the
Note: This resistor enables the dialler to detect
cable faults and/or tampers, the Monitoring Centre
will also need to enable the dial port monitoring
on the IRIS Secure Apps software to receive alarm

6.7. Pin Inputs

The IRIS-4 160 dialler has four pin inputs that can be
used to generate messages, These can be:
• Text messages via SMS (4G/3G/2G).
• SIA, Contact ID or Fast Format alarm messages
over IP to the monitoring centre .
Note: You can also use the Pin alarm inputs in
addition when directly connected to an alarm panel
via the dial capture, serial or RS485 connections.
Via Open/Close Contact Source
Each pin input is designed to be connected in a loop
via an open/close contact source from an alarm pan-
el, or other device, to a reference ground pin available
on the IRIS-4 160 dialler, as shown below .
Opening the contact (i . e . loop is open circuit)
generates an alarm signal . Closing the contact gener-
ates the equivalent restore signal .
Via Sense Resistors
It is also possible to link the contacts to the IRIS-4
160 dialler via sense resistors so that an open or short
circuit tamper on the loop is detectable and the
Monitoring Centre alerted . In this case, the connec-
tions made should be as shown below .
Note: For this feature to work correctly it is
essential to connect the resistor at the contact end
of the loop and not the dialler end. The Monitoring
Centre must also enable the monitoring of this
facility on the dialler within the IRIS Secure Apps
receiving system.

6.8. Switch on

To confirm power is applied, look for the indicator
'SYS LED' flashing red on the IRIS-4 160 dialler
board, top left hand corner .

6.9. Configuration

To configure the dialler, use any of the following the
• Web browser via Wi-Fi.
• AddSecure IRIS Bluetooth App.
• Alarm panel integration e.g. Honeywell Galaxy
(RS485 connection) Texecom Premier range
(RS232 TTL connection) .
Note: Please configure the alarm panel first for
connections to Honeywell Galaxy or Texecom
Premier on the serial integration, as these will
transmit configuration to the IRIS-4 160 dialler.
For more details on the alarm panel integration,
download the full panel installation manual from
• Connect the board's Micro USB connector to
a laptop/PC running the IRIS Toolbox soft-
ware . Download the IRIS Toolbox user guide
from http://www . a ddsecure . c om .
IRIS-4 160
If at any point a complete default of the dialler is
required, use the following procedure:
1 . Completely power down the IRIS-4 160 by
removing the power and one of the batteries
(if fitted) .
2 . Now press and hold down the AP button .
3 . Reconnect the batteries if needed and reapply
power whilst still holding down the AP button
for 10 seconds .