AutoMotionShade EL-4270P Manuale di riferimento rapido
Sfoglia online o scarica il pdf Manuale di riferimento rapido per Motore AutoMotionShade EL-4270P. AutoMotionShade EL-4270P 2. Ignition-lock motor
Programming Limits for second Generation Ignition-Lock Motor 4270P:
This motor has 3 wires only that are all connected to the Dash switch. To program the limits for Ignition-Lock
motor EL-4270P, a programmer (215P) is required as per shown below; the programmer needs to be connected
to the white connector on the pig tail wire attached to the motor, as illustrated.
Note 1: Motor model 4271P (earlier version), it is the same as motor model 4270P.
Note 2: Motor has two speeds when in programming mode, with the slow one being used for fine adjustment when coming close to the
desired limit (see also point no 3 below).
1. Regardless whether (dash) ignition switch position is on or off, connect the programmer and then hold the UP or
DOWN button on the Dash-Switch. You will need to keep holding dash-switch throughout the programming until
all programming steps up to no 6 are completed. The left LED (1) on programmer 215P should now be ON (if not,
it means there is no power to the shade or your programmer has no battery installed, in which case check
2. Press and hold either the left (3) or right (4) programming button, until the shade is about half-way up (or
down). Press and hold 'Delete' button (6) until the right LED light (2) comes on then release the Delete button
(6). All old programs are now cleared.
3. Press and hold left programming button (3); the shade moves up until it reaches your desired top limit; if it goes
too fast/slow, you can release and press same button (3) again to switch to slower/faster speed. Once you reach
to top limit, release button (3); now press and hold 'Save' button (5) until right LED (2) comes ON, then release
410: R-2:07/19
Quick Reference Guide # 9
Programmer EL-215P
(1) Left LED Light
(2) Right LED Light
(3) Left Program Button
(4) Right Program Button
(5) Save Button
(6) Delete Button
(7) Not being used
Effective Date: July 15, 2019