Aquascape Pro 09020 Istruzioni e manutenzione - Pagina 7

Sfoglia online o scarica il pdf Istruzioni e manutenzione per Sistemi di filtrazione dell'acqua Aquascape Pro 09020. Aquascape Pro 09020 10. Waterfall filter

Aquascape Pro 09020 Istruzioni e manutenzione
• Small stones and gravel can be used to fill the gaps between the
larger waterfalls stones. (See Ex. 11)
• The BioFalls
Filter is designed with a plastic lip for the water
to cascade off. You can use the BioFalls
stone or even piece(s) of thin (no more than 3/4" thick) natural
slate (see Ex. 13). This stone can be attached to the BioFalls
Filter using Black Waterfall Foam. The Black Waterfall Foam will
come in handy when filling other gaps between the stones that
water is flowing over. The foam keeps the water flowing over the
top of the waterfall stones. Without the Black Waterfall Foam,
you will lose some of the impact of your waterfall as water travels
beneath the rocks.
Ex. 11 If using a natural rock for your waterfall lip,
make sure that it is fairly thin. (no more than
• The Signature Series
port rack that also serves as an easy way to help disguise the
filter into the landscape using small boulders, aquatic plants, and
gravel. Arrange the stones, gravel, and plants in the rack in such
a way as to hide the back and top of the filter.
• The rack sits in the upper portion of the BioFalls
mats can be removed for annual cleaning through the wider
opening at the front of the rack. |
Filter plastic waterfall
Filter comes with an upper sup-
Filter. The filter
CAN 1-866-766-3426 |
• Placing the BioFalls
always a good idea. This allows the creation of a meander-
ing stream to add a touch of nature to your water garden.
• We typically place the BioFalls
edge of the pond. Twisting and turning the stream makes
it look more natural and will require a minimum 10' x 15'
piece of liner
(see Ex. 12).
• The typical width of a stream should be between 2 - 4 feet
wide. Vary the width of the stream throughout to mimic
what would occur in nature
• Excavate the stream to a depth of 6 inches to 1 foot. Vary
the depth in the corners and in smaller pools along the run
of the stream to allow water to pool in those areas.
• If your stream is being built on a slope, you will need to cre-
ate a few waterfalls in it. To hold the water back when the
pump is shut off, you need to build a dam at each waterfall.
(See Ex. 14 a,b,c)
• To make the stream look more natural, you should place
some larger boulders into it. To make this work properly,
excavate the area where the rock will be placed a few
inches deeper. This will allow the rock to sit into the bottom
of the stream, not just on the streambed.
• Once you have the stream excavated, you can place the
liner into it.
• Where the liner overlaps the pond, you will not need to
seam the liners together as long as you have a 6-inch wa-
terfall or higher. Simply overlap the stream liner over the top
of the pond liner.
• Place rocks of varying sizes around the perimeter of the
stream. During excavation of the stream, you dug a few
areas where larger rocks will go. Put some of the Black
Waterfall Foam into these divots and place the rocks on
top. The foam will allow the water to be diverted around
and over the rocks instead of underneath them.
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Filter away from the edge of the pond is
Filter 6 to 10 feet from the
(see Ex. 13).