Arc-Zone Sharpie A-PTGK-DX Manuale operativo - Pagina 7
Sfoglia online o scarica il pdf Manuale operativo per Smerigliatrice Arc-Zone Sharpie A-PTGK-DX. Arc-Zone Sharpie A-PTGK-DX 16.

Note: Reset grind angle after adjusting the contact point to an
unused surface of the grinding wheel .
For A Long Taper
Loosen the collet disc screw and lower the collet disc so the point
of entry of the tungsten is closer to the diamond wheel .
Note that the lower the disc, the longer the point . Conversely,
the higher the disc, the shorter the angle .
Note: For a longer angle taper, the tungsten must contact the
outer most diameter of the wheel because a longer taper requires
more contact with the grinding surface .
Grinding a Tip Flat
Electrodes with tip flats deliver improved arc characteristics, longer tip life, improved
arc starting, and reduced tungsten contamination .
The grinder is equipped with four holes: .040" (1 .0mm), 1/16"
(1 .6mm), 3/32" (2 .4mm) and 1/8" (3 .2mm) in the top housing to
produce a tip flat on the end of the tungsten electrode .
To Produce a Tip Flat:
Insert the tungsten into the correct size hole in the top of the
housing . ( SEE FIGURE-4 )
Gently press the tungsten into the diamond wheel and rotate
for one 360º rotation while exerting pressure so the tungsten
touches the wheel . Remove electrode and check for desired tip
flat . Repeat as needed .
Cutting the Tungsten
The grinder is equipped with a slot for cutting tungsten to length
or for cutting off contaminated portions .
Note: To ensure the highest-quality welds, cut contaminated
portions of the electrode prior to sharpening so as not to
contaminate the diamond wheel .
Place electrode in the angle slot so the desired portion of the
tungsten to be cut lines up with the edge of the diamond wheel .
Gently press electrode until it contacts the grinding wheel
rotating it to form a groove completely around the tungsten .
While you can cut the electrode in half from one side it will cause excessive wheel wear and
shorten wheel life . Instead, cut a groove around the electrode approximately half the thickness
of the material . Turn unit off, insert electode into the appropriate size collet and gently snap the
tungsten in two . Done properly, this procedure won't splinter or damage the integrity of the
electrode material .
Note: Take care when cutting electrodes so as not to bind the tungsten by wedging it
between the wheel and the machine housing .
1-Loosen set
screw to rotate
the collet disc
2-Lower and
rotate the
collet disc
to change
the contact
point on the
grinding wheel.
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