Alula RE614-Au Manuale di avvio rapido - Pagina 9
Sfoglia online o scarica il pdf Manuale di avvio rapido per Allarme fumo Alula RE614-Au. Alula RE614-Au 13. Smoke alarm connect+ encrypted
when needed, must be performed by the
7.5 Chamber Cleaning
Cleaning or replacing of the chamber cover
should only be carried out by suitably trained
1. Remove the Alarm from the mounting plate.
2. Remove the battery or batteries.
3. With a flat screwdriver unclip the three
cover clip points (see figure 8a).
4. Remove the cover (see figure 8b).
5. To remove the chamber top turn the
chamber anti-clockwise approx. 15 degrees
(see figure 8d).
6. Blow out or use a soft bristled brush to
remove dust and dirt form the chamber
7. Fit a new chamber top and clip in place by
turning clock-wise 15 degrees.
8. Place the cover back on the Alarm.
9. Press the test button to ensure the Alarm is
working correctly.
Figure 8a
Figure 8b
Figure 8d
8.6 Smoke Alarm Automatic Self-Test
The smoke chamber in the Smoke Alarms
automatically tests itself every 16 seconds.
If the chamber is degraded it will beep twice
every 48 seconds with 2 yellow LED flashes at
the same time. If this happens clean the unit.
If the beeping persists and the beep does not
coincide with a yellow light flash, return the
unit for service (see Section 5 - Getting Your
Alarm Serviced).
8.7 Dust and Insect Contamination
All Smoke Alarms and particularly the optical
(photoelectric) type are prone to dust and
insect ingress which can cause false alarms.
manufacturing techniques have been
used in the construction of Alula Holdings
LLC's Alarms to minimise the effects of
contamination. However it is impossible
to completely eliminate the effect of dust
and insect contamination, and therefore, to
prolong the life of the Alarm you must ensure
that it is kept clean so that excess dust does
not build up. Any insects or cobwebs in
the vicinity of the Smoke Alarm should be
promptly removed.
In certain circumstances even with regular
cleaning, contamination can build up in the
smoke sensing chamber causing the Alarm
to sound. If this happens the Smoke Alarm
must be returned for servicing or replacement.
Contamination is beyond our control, it is
totally unpredictable and is considered normal
wear and tear. For this reason, contamination
is not covered by the guarantee and a charge
is made for all such servicing work.
8.8 End of life
The entire Alarm must be replaced if:-
• The unit is installed for over 10 years (check the
"replace by" date marked on the side of the unit).
Do not put the Alarm into a fire.
The Alarm should be disposed in a safe and
environmentally sound manner at your local
recycle centre. Contact your local authority for
further advise.
8. Troubleshooting
Alarms sound for no apparent reason
• Check for fumes, steam, etc. from the kitchen
or bathroom. Paint and other fumes can cause
nuisance alarms.
• Check for any sign of contamination such as
cobwebs or dust. Clean the Alarm as described
in Section 8 if necessary.
• Press the Test/Silence button on the Smoke
Alarm causing the Alarm (this can be identified
as the Alarm with the red light flashing