Brother 2340CV Manuali
Manuali d'uso e guide per Brother 2340CV.
Forniamo 3 pdf manuali Brother 2340CV per scaricare gratuitamente per tipi di documento: Manuale operativo, Manuale di servizio, (Francese) Manuel D'istruzioni.
- 1. Table of Contents
- 2. How to Use this Manual
- 3. How to Adjust
- 3. Height of Needle Bar
- 3. Position of the Lowerlooper
- 3. Timing of the Double Chain Looper
- 3. Timing of the Lowerlooper
- 3. Height of Feed Dog (with a Differential Feed Dog)
- 3. Feed Timing
- 3. Height of Presser Bar
- 3. Thread Tension Adjustment
- 3. Position of Thread Take-Up
- 3. Position of Looper Thread Take-Up
- 3. Adjustment and Replacement for the Timing Belt
- 3. Changing the Light Bulb