- ページ 4

エアコン Aktobis WDH-FGA1075のPDF マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Aktobis WDH-FGA1075 12 ページ。

Operating recommendations:

For good cooling results and for the most effective and economical operation, we give you the following
For this air conditioner we recommend a room size of up to 20 m² (50 m³) !
The minimum size of the room in which the unit is to be operated is at least 11m² !
Lock windows and doors.
Avoid direct sunlight into the room through windows and doors. It is best to close the shutters or curtains
during the day.
Always keep the air filters of the air conditioner clean.
Once you have reached the desired room temperature, reduce the operating strength of the air conditioner.

Set-up and connection:

1. connecting the exhaust hose for the warm air
The mobile air conditioner generates warm exhaust air during cooling. This warm exhaust air must be discharged
to the outside. You can either direct the warm exhaust air outside through a suitable hole (160 mm diameter) in the
wall (similar to a kitchen extractor bonnet) or discharge it through a gap of an open window/door.
Note: Depending on the given conditions, it may be advantageous to use the closure strip provided for this
purpose. The closure strip is variably adjustable and can thus ensure that no air from outside gets inside.
Connect the exhaust hose for the warm air to the rear exhaust duct of your air conditioner by first fitting the
hose adapter (ring-shaped) to the unit and then screwing on the warm air hose clockwise.
Attach the supplied adapter for the sealing strip to the other end of the exhaust air hose.
If you have installed the closing strip at the window gap/door gap/wall, now insert the adapter into its
intended recess. Alternatively, guide the adapter through the window gap/door gap to the outside so that
the warm exhaust air can be blown out unhindered.
Aktobis AG, Borsigstr. 20, D-63110 Rodgau / Germany