This allows you to configure UAFC for your specific ignition type. The "Average 2 samples" is meant for cylinders which fire at 2 different angles.
4.5 Fuel->Bank
This screen allows you to edit the your 256 point Fuel Correction Table, yellow area. The blue area is the MAP/MAF Axis (X Axis), you can not
directly edit it in this screen, it must be edited in the Globals screen. The grey area is the RPM Axis (Y Axis), you can not directly edit it in this
screen, it must be edited in the Globals screen.
A valid entry into the fuel correction table is any integer between 0 to 255 inclusive. These values represent a % scaling of the MAP/MAF
voltage. A "25" would mean that the ECU will see 25% of the actual MAP/MAF voltage, or a 75% reduction of the Actual MAP/MAF signal. "100"
would mean no scaling. "150" would mean that the ECU will see 150% of the MAP/MAF voltage, or 1.5 times the MAP/MAF voltage.
The maximum voltage of the MAP/MAF output is 5[v]. If for instance the MAP/MAF input voltage is 4[v] and the fuel correction scaling is
200%, the MAP/MAF voltage will not be 8[v], it will be 5[v].
Right clicking with your mouse over the yellow area will bring up the; copy, set, and paste menu, for easy data editing.
Before you download a new Fuel Correction Table to the unit make sure the Memory Bank Selection is correct, Bottom middle of the screen.
UAFC has room for 3 sets of Fuel Correction Tables; Bank0, Bank1, Bank2.
You do not have to cycle power to UAFC for newly downloaded Fuel Correction Tables to take effect, they take effect immediately.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
ctrl+q = increase value by 1
ctrl+a = decrease value by 1
ctrl+d = download
UAFC User Manual, Release Date: Aug 2 2016