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オール・イン・ワン・プリンター Canon Data Encryption and OverwriteのPDF パンフレット&スペックをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Canon Data Encryption and Overwrite 6 ページ。 Hard disk drive data security options

HDD Data Encryption Kit

Proven algorithms protect your data.
The Canon
Data Encryption Kit option has been designed to
protect all temporary data and stored documents on the internal
disk drive through proven industry-standard encryption algorithms.
Recognized for its strong level of security by the National Institute of
Standards and Technology
Data Encryption Kit is a dedicated plug-in board that
encrypts every byte of data before it's committed to the disk using
(Advanced Encryption Standard) or 168-bit
Data Encryption Algorithm) algorithms (depending on model). The
Data Encryption Kit utilizes an inaccessible secret key that's stored
on the plug-in board to encrypt and decrypt all data that's stored in
random, non-continuous portions of the disk drive. Once written, the
data is virtually irretrievable by anyone seeking to recover it from
within the device or through external file recovery utilities.
Common Criteria a
Canon MFP security chips are Common Criteria Certified.
Each of the optional
Data Encryption Kits are equipped with the
Security Chip, which has achieved a Common Criteria
Certification of Evaluation Assurance Level 3
at preventing unauthorized access to data proven through methodical
testing and verification. This level of assurance may assist organiza-
tions with meeting their internal privacy goals, addressing regulations
such as the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Family Education Rights Privacy Act
and the National Security Agency
for its effectiveness
, Sarbanes-Oxley Act
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