- ページ 8

モニター Acer X193WのPDF サービスマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Acer X193W 50 ページ。 Acer lcd monitor user's guide
Acer X193W にも: クイック・スタート・マニュアル (24 ページ), ユーザーマニュアル (23 ページ), サービスマニュアル (43 ページ)

Acer X193W サービスマニュアル

Electrical Requirements

Standard Test Conditions
All tests shall be performed under the following conditions, unless otherwise specified.
Ambient light
Viewing distance
Warm up time
All specifications
Measuring equipment
Control temperature
User brightness control
User contrast control
User red/white balance,
Green/white balance and
Blue/white balance control
AC Supply voltage
Ambient temperature
Display mode
Measurement systems
The units of measure stated in this document are listed below:
1 gamma = 1 nano tesla
1 tesla = 10,000 gauss
cm = in x 2.54
Lb = kg x 2.2
Degrees F = [° C x 1.8] + 32
Degrees C = [° F - 32]/1.8
u' = 4x/(-2x + 12y + 3)
v' = 9y/(-2x + 12y + 3)
x = (27u'/4)/[(9u'/2) - 12v' + 9]
y = (3v')/[(9u'/2) - 12v' + 9]
nits = cd/(m2) = Ft-L x 3.426
lux = foot-candle x 10.76
Dark room
30-50 cm for LCD performance
>30 minutes
Photo detector PR650 w/2°
Measurement field
6500° K
The value under user mode
Set to factory preset value, which allows that the brightest two of
32 linear distributed gray-scales (0~700mv) can be
In the center (unless otherwise specified)
230V± 5%, 50±3Hz
1400 × 900 @60Hz, all white