- ページ 15

アンプ AMERITRON AL-811HのPDF オーナーズマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。AMERITRON AL-811H 19 ページ。 Hf power linear amplifier
AMERITRON AL-811H にも: 取扱説明書 (12 ページ), 開梱取扱説明書 (11 ページ), マニュアル (13 ページ)

AMERITRON AL-811H オーナーズマニュアル
(Fig. 22)
The Zener diodes in the kit connect in series with the transformer white center tap lead. The
banded or striped end connects toward the transformer, Fig. 27, since they are Zener diodes.
Each diode is rated at 5 watts and adds 3.3 volts of bias. They are safe to 1.5 amperes
continuous when in open air.
I suggest you use one Zener diode in addition to the 6 rectifiers used by Ameritron for a total of
about 7.3 volts, or two Zener diodes in series if your amplifier does not have any bias rectifiers.
There will not be any noticeable increase in IMD from the additional bias, and the tubes will run
a lot cooler. Please look at this dissipation graph. Anything over 65W is over the tube rating.