- ページ 14
エアクリーナー Air Fantastic CAP3000のPDF オーナーズマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Air Fantastic CAP3000 16 ページ。 Central air purifier (cap)
Insert the new Quad-Ion Cell into
the Retainer Ring. Using the illus-
tration, be certain the Quad-Ion Cell
is installed using the correct pin ori-
entation. Secure the Quad-Ion Cell
with four 1/4" hex head screws.
Do not overtighten the screws
to prevent them from stripping.
Firmly press the Ballast Assembly onto the four pins protruding from the
Quad-Ion Cell The Ballast Assembly should be orientated with the "air
flow" label running parallel with the length of the duct to ensure the four
pins are in line with the Four Pin Connector. Optional mounting config-
urations, such as opening the UV shields, may vary the orientation of
the "air flow" label. It's only intended to serve as a general guideline.
Using a 1/4" hex head screw driver, secure the CAP system with four self
tapping 3/4" screws being careful not to overtighten stripping the screw holes.
Outer Housing Maintenance
Never use harsh cleaners, chemicals or
abrasives on the plastic polycarbonate
housing or anodized aluminum. Only a
dry micro fiber towel or a towel lightly
moistened with water should be used to
remove any dust or other debris from the
outside of the unit.
5. Using a small cylindrical object, such as a pen,
press and hold the Lamp Reset Button for 3
seconds. This will reset the Lamp Replace-
ment Indicator. The Lamp Reset Button is lo-
cated on the bottom of the Ballast Assembly.
Lamp Reset Switch