Be Sure that the topdresser is sitting on level ground
before filling the hopper.
Load the Hopper, making sure that the material to be
spread is flowable. This is necessary for proper
To End Spreading and Stop Material Flow, stop the
unit, lift the engagement pin up and set it on top of the
stop rest point
The Brush That Sweeps
Excess Material off the
Conveyor Belt at the front
of the unit is adjustable as it
wears. Remove the brush
from the unit, loosen the
keeper nuts, and slide the
brush higher. Replace the
brush with bristle tips
engaging the belt and
tighten the nuts.
The Chain on the Drive
Wheel has an idler sprocket
tensioner. To adjust it, remove
the shield, loosen the nut on
the idler sprocket, press down
on it to properly tension the
chain, then tighten the nut to
The Model 65PT is
designed to spread
compost, sand, and
topdressing blends. The
unit is available with two
types of tongue - one to fit
the drawbars of
conventional, 4-wheel
tractors and one to fit 2-
wheel, walk-behind
tractors. Attach tongue to
drawbar using a threaded
bolt and secure with a nut
or with the proper hitch
To Begin Spreading,
engage the clutch pin on
the left side of the
machine. Adjust the
endgate opening using
the adjustment handle,
(see Maintenance #6) so
that it is open the right
width for the spread depth
Important Operating Information
• Clean spreader completely after
each use. Pressure wash the
conveyor rollers weekly through their
access holes.
• All compost or topdressing materials
being run through the spreader unit
must be screened to ½O minus in
order to flow freely and avoid clogging
the feed opening.
• To increase the service life of
spreader unit, material should never
be stored in spreader.