When the machine is to be delivered to the user there are steps you must follow to be sure they are
comfortable with wrapping their first bale. These steps are also important if you are doing a live demo.
Setup is very important to bale size as this machine is not set to a specific bale at the factory.
1) Know your bale size before you start. Asking can help but an actual measurement of
the bale is sometimes necessary.
2) Be sure that everything is greased (if left for more than 3 months outside without use
the machine needs to be fully greased and oiled.
3) Your bale counter is charged and tested operational (see user manual on machine for
The stretcher pole has 3 positions. Be sure that the position is
not over the height of the bale or under it. (This part is normally
removed for shipping so be sure to install it correctly to wrap
your bales)
Put plastic in the
stretcher. There is only
one way to put the plastic
through. See the diagram
to the left. This is a
sticker found on the
machine as well.
Set the cone rollers for 4 or 5 foot
long bale.