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掃除機 Bosch BBZ seriesのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Bosch BBZ series 50 ページ。

Bosch BBZ series 取扱説明書
Bild 1
Turbo-Bürste auf Saugrohr stecken.
Bitte beachten
Bürstsaugen nur mit voller Saugkraft d. h. max.
Leistungsstellung am Staubsauger.
Bild 2
Teppichfransen nur in Pfeilrichtung bürsten.
Bodendüsen unterliegen, abhängig von der Beschaffen-
heit ihres Hartbodens (z.B. raue, rustikale Fließen)
einem gewissen Verschleiß. Deshalb sollten Sie in
regelmäßigen Abständen die Laufsohle der Düse über-
prüfen. Verschlissene, scharfkantige Düsensohlen
können Schäden auf empfindlichen Hartböden wie
Parkett oder Linoleum verursachen. Der Hersteller
haftet nicht für eventuelle Schäden, die durch eine
verschlissene Bodendüse verursacht werden.


Vor jeder Wartung Staubsauger ausschalten und
Netzstecker ziehen. Turbo-Bürste vom Saug- / Teleskoprohr
Bild 3
Aufgewickelte Fäden und Haare mit einer Schere
Bild 4
Fäden und Haare mit der Fugendüse absaugen.
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten.
Please keep these instructions. If the brush is passed on to
a third party, ensure that the instructions are included.
Field of application
The turbo brush vacuums and brushes carpets when
connected to the vacuum cleaner. It is particularly
suitable for removing dust, fluff, threads and hair.
It noticeably refreshes trodden down carpet pile.
The turbo brush can be used on hard flooring and

Use as directed

This turbo brush is intended for use in the home and not for
industrial purposes.
The turbo brush must be used exclusively in accordance
with the specifications stated in these instructions.
The manufacturer shall not be held liable for any damages
which arise from a use which is not as directed or has been
caused by an incorrect operation.
Therefore, please ensure that the following information is
observed and heeded at all times!
Only use original spare parts.
The turbo brush is not suitable for:
vacuuming persons or animals
- small creatures (e.g. flies, spiders, ...)
- substances which can have adverse affects on one's
health or sharp-edged, hot or red-hot substances.
- damp or liquid substances.
- easily flammable or explosive materials and gases.

Safety information

This turbo brush complies with the recognised regulations
of technology and the relevant safety directives. We hereby
confirm the conformity with the European
Never use a damaged turbo brush.
Do not reach into the running brush roller.
Do not drive over the supply while the brush roller is
Do not leave the turbo brush standing on the carpet
when the brush roller is rotating, it must be kept moving
(could damage the pile).
Wool or velour carpets, particularly those with a loose
pile, should only be cleaned occasionally with the turbo
brush, must leave sufficient intervals in between.
Please observe!
Do not leave the running turbo brush in the immediate
vicinity of long hair, scarves, ties etc..