- ページ 4

ドローン Attop W10のPDF クイック・スタート・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Attop W10 6 ページ。

Aircraft parameters

Length of main wing:
Total weight:
Charging time:
Flight time(Battery full charge state):
Working temperature:
Remoter controller:
Remote controller parameters
Working frequency:
Power supply:
Effective Control Distance:
(In Wide/No Interference Signal Environment)
Remote-control models of quadcopter are dangerous merchandise. Their flight must be
operated away from the crowd. Such factors as man-made improper assembly or mechanical
damage, poor control of the electronic equipment, as well as the unfamiliar manipulation may
lead to unexpected flight accidents, such as uncontrolled flight and aircraft damage. Users are
advised to pay attention to the flight safety and understand that they are held responsible for
any accident caused by negligence.
Special aircrafts for Indoor and
outdoor should stay away from
This product is a remote-control aircraft suitable for use in indoor and
outdoor environments (the outdoor wind power less than Force 4). To fly the
aircraft, please choose appropriate obstacle-free indoor and outdoor sites
with proper distance kept from the crowd or pet animals. Please don't
operate the product in any unsafe environments, such as places of heat,
wires, power supply, etc., so as to prevent the quadcopter from the risks of
fire and electric shock resulting from collision, ditching, and entangling of
the quadcopter.
Safe usage of the lithium battery
Lithium batteries are more dangerous than others. Be sure to read carefully
and follow the following precautions before using it. We will not be held
responsible for any damages caused by any improper use of the battery.
To avoid the danger of explosion or fires, it is forbidden to use other
chargers than the one made by our factory. Such actions done to the
battery as impact, dismantling, reverse connection of the positive and
negative poles, and burning are forbidden. Avoid metal objects from
contacting the positive and negative poles of the battery, which may cause
short circuit. Please prevent sharp items from piercing the battery, and
avoid the risk of battery fire. Please be careful when charging the battery.
Make sure that the battery is charging within your sight. Keep it out of the
reach of young children so as to avoid dangers. Don't charge the battery
when the battery is heated after use. Otherwise, it may cause the battery to
expand, change, explode or even catch fire, threatening the safety of life
and property. To dispose of the battery, please recycle the battery in strict
compliance with the waste disposal laws and regulations of local countries
or regions in order not to pollute the environment.
Away from moist environments
The interior of the aircraft is also composed of many sophisticated electronic
components so it must absolutely be kept away from moisture or water vapor.
Don't operate the aircraft in the bathroom or on rainy days; otherwise water
vapor may get inside of the aircraft and cause mechanical parts and
electronic components to malfunction leading to expected accidents.
Never misuse the product
Please do not disassemble or modify the product. For any upgrade, repair
or maintenance, please use the parts specified in our catalog to ensure the
safety of the structure. Please make sure the product is used within the
limits of operation. Don't overload the product, and don't use it in any other
illegal ways than prescribed by safety concerns and laws.
3.7V 450mAh
1 hours
Approx 9 mins
-10°C to 40°C
Please read carefully this manual and operate the product as instructed
in this manual.
1.Prior to the flight, please learn and follow the local laws and regulations.
2.Please check whether each part is in good condition. Don't start the flight
if any part is found damaged or incomplete.
3.Please follow the instructions to install the propellers and make sure they
are correctly and securely attached so as to avoid fall-off in flight and the
subsequent crash and unnecessary damages.
4.Make sure that the batteries of the remote controller, camera, and drone
are full charged before each flight.
5.It is suggested to operate the flight in a wide and open space with few
buildings in the surroundings so as to avoid radio jam or intervention from
communication stations, WiFi, high-voltage power lines, and so on.
6.Be sure to power on the aircraft firstly, then power on the controller next
before operating the flight.
7.When prepared to fly, make sure no personnel is inside the radius of 10
meters around the take-off/landing area, and try to avoid any unsafe
factors (such as obstacles, crowds, high-voltage power lines, trees, water
surface, etc.).
8.Before taking off, please calibrate the compass; it is suggested to take off
with GPS signal available (switch to GPS mode and the rear light of the
aircraft will flash in green). On taking off, the location where the GPS
signal is initiated will be saved as the defaulted take-off point; the return
mode will navigate the aircraft to land at this defaulted initial place.
9.Do not operate the flight in bad weather, such as gusty wind (over Force
3), snow, rain, foggy days, and the like.
10.Do not operate the flight in no-flight zones (such as airports and crowded
areas) restricted by laws.
11.Do not operate the flight in poor mental conditions (such as being drunken,
heartbroken, etc.).
12.Please keep the aircraft and all its parts out of the reach of children.
In the case children swallowing parts by accident, they should be taken
to the hospital immediately.
13.Please remove the battery and place it in a dry, moisture-proof, fog-proof
and explosion-proof environments with no electromagnetic interference.
14.Please do not disassemble, re-group, or modify the aircraft.
Please read carefully this manual and operate the product as instructed in
this manual. If don't follow these instructions to operate, ATTOP will not
responsible for any troubles occurred.
Safe usage
of the battery
Please make sure of the positive and negative
poles when installing the battery. Please don't mix
the old and new batteries in use at the same time
so as to avoid damaging the battery life. If the
product is not to be used for a period of time,
please remove the battery so as to avoid battery
leakage or malfunction. Do not use the battery if it
is leaking. To dispose of the battery, please recycle
the battery in strict compliance with the waste
disposal laws and regulations of local countries or
regions in order not to pollute the environment.
Keep away from
source of heat
The aircraft is mostly made of PA fiber or
polyethylene as well as other main materials for
electronic products. Therefore, it must be kept
from the source of heat and exposure to sunlight
so as to avoid possible damage of deformation or
even meltdown due to high temperatures.
Never operate the
product alone
This product is suitable for users over 14 years
old. Since the remote-control quadcopter may pose
a certain degree of difficulty for learners at the
beginning, it is recommended for it to be operated
under the guidance of experienced people for the
sake of safe flight.