- ページ 8

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This 6 input mixer is very handy, as it's here where you'll mix all the sound sources to be filtered, like Oscillator,
Noise generator, SubOscillators and external audio signals. High signal levels will make the mixer/filter distort.
This is a desired effect sometimes (it was designed that way intentionally), but if you want to avoid it just lower
the input signals. If only one oscillator is used, it´ll begin distorting at level 7.
The sound sources include SubOscillators. A SubOscillator is a frequency divider: its inputs are connected to
each Oscillator, and they generate a square wave one octaves below them. To generate its waveform
(Square, one octave below), the SubOscillator generates half a cycle for every cycle of the Oscillator.
A SubOscillator waveform will be in phase with, and will respond to, any pitch modulation of Oscillator 2.
Use it to reinforce bass sounds, or as an additional sound source.
One of the mixer's inputs is a shared between Noise and Ring Modulator.
A Ring Modulator is a really cool audio effect commonly used for processing external audio or for belllike tones.
It consists of a special type of VCA, which modulates one of its two inputs with the other, generating new
harmonics based on the sum and difference of each of the input's frequencies.
In the case of the MOODULATOR, the output of each OSC´s pulse waves are ring modulated.
The only real difference between a Ring Modulator and a normal VCA is that the former allows bipolar signals on
Its modulation input. This generates a phase inversion on the main input every time the modulator goes below 0V.
The output sends the result of the multiplication, not any of the original sources.
Our last internal sound source is the Noise Generator, which is a circuit dedicated to generating random electrical
variations that can be very useful as an audio source or control. There are two so called noise "colours" on the
MOODULATOR, white and pink, and may be used for different purposes.
White noise has equal energy across the frequency spectrum. It is used as an audio source for sound effects,
percussion sounds, etc. It can also be used as a modulation source (modulating the VCF frequency for a grittier
sound, for example).
Pink Noise is a filtered version of white noise, which has a lower, more bassy sound. Its amplitude distribution
across the spectrum is different; it's inversely proportional to frequency.
Pink Noise is not as widely used as white noise, but may be used in cases when lower, darker noise is needed.
Noise Generators don't have any control parameter.
OSC 1 (knob):
This defines the level of oscillator 1.
SUB 1 (knob):
This defines the level of Suboscillator 1.
OSC 2 (knob):
This defines the level of oscillator 2.
SUB 2 (knob):
This defines the level of Suboscillator 2.
NOISE / RING MOD (knob):
Noise or Ring Modulation.

SOURCE (switch):

The options are:
White Noise
Pink Noise
Ring Modulator
This defines the level of
Select the sound source for the

MIXER Section