You can display t he measured minimum and maximum values of t he current day by pressing
t he
but t on repeat edly in succession in t he normal t ime display mode. Only t he
maximum values appear, t hen the minimum values and t he current values again.
M eanw hile, " M AX" or " M IN" is displayed above t he values.
Not e: Long press t he
but t on t o delet e t he highest and low est temperat ure and
humidit y values since midnight .
Weather trend
For the t emperature and humidity values measured by the base unit and w ireless sensor,
t he t rend is displayed by an arrow :
const ant
Tem perature
Humidit y
Air pressure trend
Your w eat her st at ion can show t he air pressure t endency.
rising air pressure = weather rises
const ant air pressure = w eat her st ays t he same
falling air pressure = w eather falls
Weather forecast icons
Aft er set t ing up initially, t he w eat her forecast can not be used for about 12 hours, as t he
w eat her st ation needs t his time t o collect and evaluat e t he weat her dat a.
• The forecast refers t o t he area around the weat her stat ion wit h a radius of about 30 t o 50
km for t he next 12 t o 24 hours.