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Audiovalve RKV Mk II ユーザーマニュアル
RKV – HAA ( OTL head amp )
RKV – HAA ( OTL head amp )
Factory assembly & getting started
Once the amplifier has arrived at its desired destination, make sure the amplifier has ample
time to adjust to the climate at its new location. It is likely that the changes in temperature
and humidity between the last location and the new one, has caused condensation to build
up somewhere in the amplifier. This can damage the device. Please allow the amplifier at
least two hours to acclimatise.
The amplifier comes fully assembled, ready to go. The powercord should not be used as
yet, please connect all other input and output connectors first (cinch cables, speaker
cables, etc).
The decive MUST be switched off while connecting it to other components, it might be
damaged if this is done with the amplifier under power. The person operating the amplifier
might be hurt as well in this case, since powerspikes, operating currents and voltage
charges may occur! Check whether the ON/OFF switch is in the OFF position. If so, you can
now plug in the powercord.
Use high quality cables only! Usage of DIY cables, low spec cables or cables intended for
other use voids all warranty and cancels any product liability. Make sure all plugs are
connected tightly to the amplifier. When in doubt, replace the cable.
Allways use the device in a 'complete configuration' , damages may occur when devices are
not connected to the amplifier when it is being run.
Never lift the device by its glass cover. The amplifier should be positioned at a level
surface, in time the construction of the glass housing may fail as a result of tensile forces.
Please check all connectors. If all connectors are undamaged, make sure the switch is in
the OFF position, connect the powercord and swith the amplifier on. You can make sure the
amplifier is properly connected by checking the tubes and the blue LED at the front of the
amplifier. Only the inside of each tube should glow. If the steel coverjacket glows as well,
the device is faulty and must be serviced immediately.
As a rule of thumb the device should work now. Don't push the volume up to its maximum
yet and allow the device to burn in smoothly and avoid powerspikes.
The RKV-Amplifier needs at least a 10 Ampere circuit breaker between its powercord and
the mains. Make sure your wallsocket is equiped in such a fashion.
______________dynamic headphone amplifier____________
______________dynamic headphone amplifier____________