- ページ 8

プリンター DataCard CD820のPDF ユーザー・リファレンス・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。DataCard CD820 11 ページ。 Instant issuance system
DataCard CD820 にも: クイック・インストール・マニュアル (17 ページ)

DataCard CD820 ユーザー・リファレンス・マニュアル
Datacard CD820 User Reference Guide

Empty the Reject Card Tray

Empty the reject card tray regularly. Follow your site's guidelines to dispose of the
cards removed from the reject card tray.
Make sure that the reject tray is installed properly before locking the printer.

Close the Printer Doors

The printer cannot process cards while any access doors are open. Make sure that
all printer doors are closed and locked.
Note: Press down on the cover ridges to make sure that the swingarm latches
completely on both sides.
(single hopper)
Cover Ridges
Close the Printer Doors
Input Hopper Cover
(single hopper)
Printer Supplies
Access Door