- ページ 4
コントロールユニット AC STAG TUNINGのPDF インストールとプログラミングの説明をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。AC STAG TUNING 8 ページ。
MAP sensor connector, type B
STAG TUNING kit connector terminals
Match the colors
3 – signal output 1
4 - ground
5 – signal input 1
6 - 5V power supply
8 – signal output 2
9 - ground
10 – signal input 2
4. Using the software
Start the application and select the correct emulation channel by choosing a respective tab on the top bar.
For a single MAP sensor configuration it is recommended to use channel 1. Channel 2 should be used only
for the second MAP sensor (if installed).
Following channel selection, an orange line will be displayed with the option to add curve points by the user.
Currently active point turns yellow. Move the selected curve range down to reduce the value of signals sent
to the ECU. The exact value of emulation per point is presented in the table in the top right section of the
application window.
The cursor on the multiplier indicates the input voltage (from the sensor).
A new map is created by adding a few (or more than ten) points and defining the reduction range for voltage
values. It is recommended to save a new map on the PC.
In order to verify system operation and the new map, check the maximum deviation of the cursor (blue line)
to the right before and after modifications on the emulation line. If the vehicle is equipped with an autogas
fueling system, the effect can be noticed by observing the MAP rise in the application.
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