- ページ 10

サウンドカード Gadget Labs WavePRO ADATのPDF ユーザーマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gadget Labs WavePRO ADAT 15 ページ。 Option cards

The SPDIF and ADAT option cards add additional channels to the
WavePRO interface.
After adding the SPDIF option, for the Wave/824 you will have 10
audio inputs and 10 outputs that can be used independently. For the
Wave/424 and Wave/496, you'll have 6 audio inputs and 6 outputs.
After adding the ADAT option, for the Wave/824 you will have 16
audio inputs and 16 outputs that can be used independently. For the
Wave/424 and Wave/496, you'll have 12 audio inputs and 12 outputs.
Here's a step-by-step guide to using an Option Card.
1. Connect the digital I/O jacks from the WavePRO interface to
your audio equipment.
If you are using the RCA jacks, make sure you have the proper
cable. For optimal results and to avoid drop-outs, you should
not use standard audio cables to carry the SPDIF data. We
recommend using a a 75-ohm video cable (these cables are
available at most any electronics retailer).
2. Setup you application software to utilize the extra channels.
For SPDIF, the extra channels are identified to your software
application as "Channel 9/10 SPDIF WavePRO" on the
Wave/824 and as "Channel 5/6 SPDIF WavePRO" on the
Wave/424 and Wave/496.
For ADAT with the Wave/824 the channels are identified as:
Channel 9/10 ADAT WavePRO
Channel 11/12 ADAT WavePRO
Channel 13/14 ADAT WavePRO
Channel 15/16 ADAT WavePRO
When using the ADAT option card with the Wave/424 and
Wave/496, the ADAT channels are numbered starting at
channel 5.
The channels are accessed and opened by the application in
the same fashion as all the other channels on the WavePRO
interface. Please refer to the WavePRO User Guide for specific
application instructions.
3. Set the audio sample rate in the application to match the rate
that's supported by your audio equipment. The SPDIF option