- ページ 8

浄水器 Hi-Tech RO-300 DLXのPDF 操作およびメンテナンスマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Hi-Tech RO-300 DLX 10 ページ。

Low reading on final pressure
Low permeate production
Low concentrate flow with
normal or high operating
High operating pressure


Possible Causes
Insufficient fedwater pressure
or flow
Clogged pre-filter
Dirty or fouled membranes
Insufficient electrical power.
Pump not operating correctly.
Low operating pressure
m e m b r a n e s
Membranes have "rolled" or
damaged concentrate seal
Dirty of fouled membranes.
Plugged concentrate valve
Restricted concentrate line.
Plugged recycle or concentrate
Permeate flow low
Inaccurate pressure gauge
Restricted permeate line
Open the feedwater valve.
Check the feedwater pressure;
check for restrictions.
Replace the pre-filter.
Clean the membranes.
Measure the voltage; check the
fuses and circuit breakers.
Contact your Hi-Tech distributor
or Hi-Tech for replacement or
repair of pump if requires.
See above.
i n s t a l l e d
Re-install the membranes
Re-install the membrane
correctly being careful not to
" r o l l "
seal.membranes with damaged
concentrate seals may be
returned for repair.
Clean the membranes.
Remove and clean the valve
steam, and valve body.
Check the concentrate line for
obstructions or kinks. Repair or
replace the concentrate tubing.
Remove and clean the valve
Clean the membranes and/or
adjust the concentrate valve for
normal pressure.
Repair or replace the gauge.
Check the permeate line for
obstructions or kinks. Repair or
replace the permeate rubing.
t h e
c o n c e n t r a t e