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アンプ DYNACO Stereo 70のPDF 組み立て説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。DYNACO Stereo 70 16 ページ。 Series ii tube amplifier
DYNACO Stereo 70 にも: 修復マニュアル (20 ページ), 修復マニュアル (5 ページ), オーナーズマニュアル (12 ページ)

DYNACO Stereo 70 組み立て説明書
Power Output
Frequency Response
Power Response
Inte rmodulation Distortion
Hum and Noise
Output Impedances
Damping Factor
Minimum Channel Separation
Power Consumption
Preamp Provision
Tube Complement
35 watts continuous, 80 watts peak each channel
.5 db from 10 cps to 40 kc
20 cps to 20 kc within 1 db of 35 watts at less than 1% distortion
Less than 1% at 35 watts (normally about .5%). Less than .05% at 1 watt
Inaudible; better than 90 db below rated power
1.3 volts rms input for 35 watts out
4, 8, 16 ohms each channel
55 db
190 watts 50/60 cps
Two power takeoffs with independent heater windings to eliminate
Each 6.3 volts 1 amp, 350 volts dc 10 mao Dynakit pre-
amplifiers plug in directly without modification.
EL-34 (4), 7199 (2), GZ-34/5AR4, selenium rectifier.
13" by 9-1/2" by 6-1/2" high
32 pounds
Chassis and bottom plate bright nickel plated.
Cover finished in
charcoal brown vinyl paint.