- ページ 4

計測機器 Great Plains Industries FM-300HのPDF オーナーズマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Great Plains Industries FM-300H 16 ページ。 Electronic disc meter

Great Plains Industries FM-300H オーナーズマニュアル
Verify Meter Accuracy
Before using, verify calibration and check
the meter's accuracy.
1. If desired, hold down DISPLAY for
three seconds to zero the meter's
Batch Total. When zeros appear, re-
lease the button.
2. Meter an exact known volume into
an accurate container. For best re-
sults, meter with one continuous full
3. Check the readout. If the amount
metered is accurate, field calibration
is not needed. If not, refer to the
Calibration Section for further in-
NOTE: Best performance can be ob-
tained by using the factory calibra-


! ! ! WARNING ! ! !
This meter is approved to handle
water, pesticides, fertilizers, and
most industrial fluids. Do not use for
gasoline, diesel, or other fuels. Do
not use this meter with flammable
All meter operations are reflected in the
readout on the face of the meter.
The readout contains three lines of infor-
mation. They are generally defined as
• The top line indicates the calibra-
tion curve.
• The middle line reflects flow infor-
• The bottom line shows information
from the totalizer.
The words or "flags" that display on the
top and bottom line further identify spe-
cific information.
Turn On
The meter is on when any display is
present. It turns on automatically when
liquid flows through the meter. It can be
turned on manually by pressing and re-
leasing the DISPLAY button.
Turn Off
Whenever no flow has been sensed for
one minute, the unit automatically
switches to a power-saving "sleep" mode
with a blank display. The unit will auto-
matically "wake up" the moment any
flow is sensed and will remain awake as
long as fluid is flowing. Totals are never
lost during sleep periods.
Batch and Cumulative Totals
Total flags are displayed on the bottom
line. The Cumulative Total is the total of
all fluid measured since the meter's
power was connected.
NOTE: At your first use, the Cumulative
Total may not read zero because of
calibration at the factory.
The Batch Total (labeled TOTAL 2) indi-
cates flow during a single use. (Figure 2)
Clearing a Totalizer
The Batch totalizer register (TOTAL 2)
may be independently cleared to 0.00 at
any time. To clear a Batch totalizer, with
the desired totalizer displayed, press
and hold the DISPLAY button. At about
3 seconds, the displayed total will be
cleared to "0.00". You can do this even
while fluid is flowing, in which case,
counting will resume after you release
the DISPLAY button.
Figure 2