- ページ 11

カードリーダー HID EdgeReaderのPDF クイック・インストール・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。HID EdgeReader 14 ページ。

EdgeReader and EdgePlus Installation


If an Edge device is being installed where it communicates through a firewall, then the firewall should
be configured to allow TCP data transfer on the specified port(s).
Note: Confirm with the Network/IT Admin what ports are to be allowed through the firewall. The
following describes the default ports.
1. Before starting, ensure that any pop-up blocker software is disabled on the computer
2. Open the following ports on the firewall
If you are not familiar with configuring a firewall for the network, contact the Network/IT administrator
or manager.
CAUTION: If the firewall is not configured properly the Edge device cannot communicate with the host.

Contact Information

HID Global (California, USA)
main: (949) 598-1600
sales: (800) 210-4744
fax number: (949) 598-1690
Europe, Middle East and Africa
HID Corporation, Ltd. (Haverhill, UK)
+44 1440 714 850
fax number:
+44 1440 714 840
HID Asia Pacific Ltd. (Hong Kong)
(852) 3160 9802
fax number:
(852) 3160 4809
April 2007
connection_port (4070)
listen_port (4050)
© 2007 HID Global Corporation. All rights reserved.
Part No. 82000-901
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