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コントローラー Galaxy Control Systems 635 SeriesのPDF ワークシートをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Galaxy Control Systems 635 Series 5 ページ。 System galaxy installation worksheet

Galaxy Control Systems 635 Series ワークシート
System Galaxy Software Install QRS
This document outlines the things you must do to properly install System Galaxy software.
Verifying PC Prerequisites:
Verify the PC reboots and operates with no error messages. IT Staff must resolve issues before you can proceed.
Verify Microsoft Updates & Patches are installed/current. The IT Staff must resolve this before you can proceed.
You must have Administrator Rights to install System Galaxy software. Contact IT Staff for assistance.
You must have the System Galaxy Order Information form.

Software Installation Steps

To open the Galaxy Installer Splash Screen, you must double-click the 'SGSetup.hta' file on the USB drive
1. Run Step-1 Prerequisites (
2. Run Step-2 Database Installation:
a) Select New Install > Option-1 to install SQL Server Express and attach the SG databases.
b) Accept default database logins for SA and gcs_client at this point.
IMPORTANT: Galaxy Installer runs a precheck and flags errors that must be corrected before MS SQL Installer runs.
Notice: it may flag an IIS error. IIS is not required to complete Step-2, but IIS is required for idProducer badging.
3. Run Step-3 Software Installation:
a) Select Option-A to perform the complete installation of the System Galaxy software and GCS services.
b) Select the SQL Instance for the PC/server where the database is installed (
c) Accept the default database and operator logins at this point.
4. Double-click the System Galaxy startup icon (on the desktop) to launch System Galaxy the first time.
a) Select customer Product Level – found on the System Galaxy Order Information form.
b) Create a Master Operator login name and password, then confirm the password.
c) Now sign-in to System Galaxy software using the login and password you just created.
5. Open the Registration Wizard (
6. Perform the System Online Registration - using System Galaxy Order Information form:
a) Enter the Customer and Dealer information into the System Registration screen.
b) Enter the Software License Key – a green checkmark () appears if your key is valid.
c) Click the [Register via Internet] button to begin the online registration.
d) In the pop-up window, you must enter customer name, address, and contact information.
(Note: Address line-2 cannot be 'empty'. Enter a space (spacebar) if you do not have two address lines.)
e) Click [Register via Internet Now] to finish the registration – all options are automatically configured.
Click [Next] to advance to the Workstation Registration – the Software License Key should prefill.
g) Enter the Product Key and configure workstation settings.
h) Click the [Register via Internet] button to register the workstation settings.
Click FINISH to save the registration.
7. Close and restart System Galaxy software to initialize these settings.
8. Sign-in using your master operator login. The system should be ready for programming (i.e. clusters, controllers,
boards, readers, inputs/outputs, schedules, access privileges, etc.).
9. You can begin hardware installation if you have not already done so.
installs components needed for System Galaxy to operate
from the menu, select Configure > Options > Registration > Wizard
). You must restart the PC.
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