- ページ 3
計測機器 DCP LogIT DataMetern1000のPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。DCP LogIT DataMetern1000 13 ページ。
Designed as a versatile multi-purpose instrument for education and
research, the LogIT DataMeter 1000 is really three products in one;
meter, data logger and computer interface.
It is a member of the established LogIT family combining features from
it's sister LogIT SL and LIVE products and utilising the latest technology
to make a product that is really easy to use, portable and reliable. It
retains the innovative 'press the green button to log' concept of the
original LogIT but adds new programmable functions and features you
previously had to set up by computer.
Whether you have used LogIT products before or are just starting
sensing and interfacing for the first time, you will find DataMeter 1000
very intuitive with it's easy to understand menu screens and automatic
sensor system. Although datalogging is now a vital tool in education, it
is not in itself a subject and so, as with all good tools, it should be as
simple to understand and operate as possible.
DataMeter allows you to measure and display most things using a
range of over 30 different sensors and adapters.
You can record single readings, time events, program logging
intervals or log automatically using AutoLog - all at the touch of a
button and with prompts on the screen to help you.
You can also connect it to a computer to show live graphs on the
monitor - you can even send the data direct to a printer for a printed
table of data collected!
Although DataMeter is easy to use, as with any product there are
things you should know to get the best from it, so please take time to
read this manual. It has been written to satisfy the needs of both
novice and advanced user, with an overview followed by a detailed
guide later. Further information and help is also included on the multi-
format system disc and from our web site. DataMeter should also be
used in conjunction with the instructions and manuals which came with
any software and accessories you intend to use.
Finally, we hope you really enjoy using DataMeter and find it an
invaluable piece of equipment. We have always tried to design
products which do what our customers want them to do and not just
what we think they should do! So if you have any suggestions or
features you would like us to incorporate, please let us know.
David Palmer
May 1996
Problems .........
•I have a fully recharged battery but DataMeter is not responding?
If the battery completely discharges it may take several minutes to respond after
putting on charge - you may need to RESET DataMeter - see pgs 4/9 for reset info.
•DataMeter does not work reliably with the computer?
You must use DataMeter compatible software - if using 3rd party software check
you have selected DATAMETER (NOT just LogIT) from the interface/datalogger
menu or contact publishers for an upgrade.
If running on a PC or Mac check that no other software is interfering with the serial
port you are using (eg FAX or modem software).
•Cannot get software to communicate with DataMeter?
Check the link cable (they are specially wired cables - not pin to pin) and if using
3rd party software check DataMeter has been selected.
•Can I use other manufacturers sensors with DataMeter?
Never plug a non-Microsense
sensor directly into DataMeter - they could cause
damage. However you can sometimes use other sensors or instruments via an
adapter - see section on sensors.
•Sensor reading changes slightly when I put DataMeter on charge?
If the battery was very low then the sudden change of voltage as the battery
charges can cause small variations of readings with some sensors. This is normal
& the changes are within specifications.
•DataMeter resets when I start logging or does other strange things?
Any microcomputer based system can 'crash' or get 'confused'. If you think
DataMeter is behaving strangely we recommend you give it a FULL reset.
Press and hold the blue button at the same time as pressing both reset buttons -
you will reset the clock and clear all data in the memory, so use this with care!
•The battery does not seem to last very long?
Battery life depends on many things - which sensors are used, charge/discharge
cycles etc. For best battery performance do not charge continuously but cycle
use and charge regularly. Occasional 24 hour full charges can also help.
•Display reads ??? when I plug in a sensor?
This indicates that you either have a new sensor which is not supported by your
present system software (you will receive a card with the new sensor explaining
how to upgrade) or you have an incompatible sensor (eg LIVE Sound or Breathing)
which will not work.
•Battery is charged but DataMeter says '*RELOAD SYSTEM*' ?
DataMeter's internal system software has a problem and needs reloading. Many
features and parameters for your DataMeter are stored in a special memory
chip which can be updated or changed to add new sensors, languages etc.
Please see README file on the system disc supplied for full details on how to
reload your system.
•Still having problems?
If you have read this manual, charged the battery and Full-reset DataMeter but
still have problems please try and seek telephone or FAX advice from your
supplier or DCP before returning anything. And check our website for many more
support FAQ's, FREE software upgrades and eMail links to get in touch with us.
Web support: www.dcpmicro.com