アダプター HighPoint RocketRAID 2711のPDF インストレーション・マニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 19 ページ。 With ej6172 device board and data raid

HighPoint RocketRAID 2711 インストレーション・マニュアル
High   D ensity   R ocketRAID   2 711   +   E J6172   D evice   B oard  
Data   R AID   I nstallation   G uide  
Introduction   –   T he   H ighPoint   H igh   D ensity   S torage   S olutions   h ammer   d own   h igh   d ensity   s torage  
cost   o ver   a   s ingle   m ini-­‐SAS   p ort.   B enefits   o f   t he   h igh   d ensity   s torage   s olution   i nclude   2 400MB/s   o f  
connectivity   s peed,   R AID   6   d ual   p rotection   r eady   a nd   a   c omprehensive   S torage   M anagement   S uite.  
The   R ocketRAID   2 711   +   R ocket   E J6172   a re   u sed   i n   t his   i nstallation   g uide   t o   i llustrate   t he   b enefits  
available   i n   t he   H ighPoint   H igh   D ensity   S torage   S olution.  
Overview:   T his   i nstallation   g uide   w ill   p rovide   s tep-­‐by-­‐step   i nstruction   o n   h ow   t o   c onfigure   t he  
RocketRAID   2 711   +   E J6172   t o   s upport   a   D ata   R AIS.   T his   g uide   a lso   p rovides   t roubleshooting   t ips  
when   p roblems   o ccur.    
Overview:   T his   i nstallation   g uide   w ill   p rovide   s tep   b y   s tep   i nstruction   o n   h ow   t o   c onfigure   t he  
RocketRAID   2 711   +   E J6172   t o   s upport   D ata   R AID.   T his   g uide   a lso   p rovides   t roubleshooting   t ips  
when   p roblems   o ccur.    
Part   1   –   W hat   i s   a   D ata   R AID   C onfiguration?    
Part   2   –   P re-­‐requisite   f or   D ata   R AID   C onfiguration.    
Part   3   –   H ardware   I nstallation   a nd   V erification    
Part   4   –   S oftware   P ackage   I nstallation   a nd   V erification   G uide  
Part   5   -­‐   R eady   f or   t he   E xperience