- ページ 5

アンプ Gallien-Krueger MB500のPDF オーナーズマニュアルをオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gallien-Krueger MB500 12 ページ。
Gallien-Krueger MB500 にも: オーナーズマニュアル (12 ページ)

Gallien-Krueger MB500 オーナーズマニュアル

Quick Start

The MB 500 amplifier is designed to be simple to operate. All controls have a well defined purpose.
These directions will take you through the basics and give you a good start for setting up your sound.
1. Plug it in:
Set the power switch to Off and connect the supplied power cord, from the amplifier AC receptacle, to
an AC power outlet of proper voltage and power rating (see safety information on page 5 for details).
2. Connect your cabinets:
Connect your speaker cabinets to the amplifier outputs marked Speaker. The MB features dual use
speaker connections. These unique jacks allow for Speakon or 1/4" plugs to be used. Be sure not to
exceed the recommended speaker load as noted below.
Maximum Recommended Speaker Loads:
One 4 Ohm, or two 8 Ohm cabinets.
3. Initial front panel control settings:
Set all EQ controls and contour knob to 12 o'clock. Set the Input Volume, Master and Master B
controls at 0. The Boost knob should be set to 12 o' clock and the boost button (between Boost and
Master B konbs) in the out position.
4. Plug in your bass:
Using an instrument (shielded) cable, connect your bass to the Input jack and press the power switch
on. If you have active tone controls on your bass, turn all of the controls to the middle or flat position
and turn the volume all the way up. If you have conventional, passive tone controls, turn all tone and
volume controls all the way up.
5. Level and Master Volume Settings:
Set the Master Volume to 3 o'clock. Turn the Input Volume knob up as you play to the desired output
level. It is recommended that the limiter be used during high volume applications. If the clip light (pad
button) flashes more than occasionally, press the -10dB pad button in and turn the Input Volume knob
6. Boost/Master B:
Engage the button located between the Boost and Master B knobs. This will activate the Boost section
of the pre amp. This can also be done with the included foot switch. Turn up the Master B knob to the
desired volume level.
You should be hearing your bass quite well through the Master and Master B channels. At this point
you can experiment with different EQ, Contour and Boost settings. Various sample settings can also be
found on page 8.