- ページ 5

アンプ Gallien-Krueger ML/EのPDF 取扱説明書をオンラインで閲覧またはダウンロードできます。Gallien-Krueger ML/E 8 ページ。 Micro lead series

Gallien-Krueger ML/E 取扱説明書
Putting together the right system is as important to your final sound as choosing the right amplifier or the right guitar. Here are our favorite systems, each
designed to use all the power from the MicroLead, running at a total of 8 ohms per side stereo, or 4 ohms mono.
Combo systems are on the right, systems incorporating heads on the left. The size of your final system will depend largely on the portability you require.
Setting up your Sound
The ML/S and ML/E are capable of producing a wide range of great guitar
sounds. Below you will find the basic procedures needed to get started. We have
also provided several sample settings that can be used as starting points for various
guitar voicings.

Getting Started

1) Set Channel select Switch (2) to "Lead".
2) Turn the volume and any tone controls on your guitar to "10" before making
adjustments on the ML/S or ML/E. These will be fine tuned later.
3) Set the Output Level (11) at the 2 o'clock position, the Gain Level (4) at the
10 o'clock position, the EQ at the 12o'clock position, and the Boost off (counter-
clockwise). While playing, set the Lead Master (4) to desired level.
4) Try the Shape (7) control to get a feel for how it alters the voicing of the Lead
channel. Set to achieve the desired starting sound.
5) You will find that the Equalization (10) is quite responsive and takes some trial
and error to get to know. From the flat (12 o'clock) position, take each control
one at a time and turn it all the way up and all the way off while laying your gui-
tar trough the unit. After you have become familiar with each one, set to the
desired position.
6) Before setting up any effects, adjust the Gain Level and set to the desired
amount of gain. The Gain Level will add saturation to the overdrive sound and
should be set before engaging any effects.
7) For the ML/E only : With your tone roughly set, familiarize yourself with both
the Reverb (24) and the Stereo Chorus (25-28) the same way as with the tone
controls. If you choose to use the effects, set to desired levels.
8) Try adjusting the Boost (3) in conjunction with the Gain Level. If you have the
footswitch hooked up, try footswitching the Boost on and off to explore the two
separate gain levels that can be achieved.
9) The final adjustment on the amplifier is the volume level. Turn up the Lead
Master (6) to your desired playing level.
10) Finally, fine tune your level and tone with adjustments on your guitar.
11) Set Channel Select Switch (2) to "CLN".
12) Repeat Step 2.
13) Set the Output Level (11) at the 2 o'clock position. Then while laying, set the
Volume (9) to desired playing level.
14) Repeat Step 5.
15) Repeat Step 7.
16) Try playing with the Compressor (23) on and off to hear the effect it creates.
17) The final adjustment on the amplifier is the volume level. Turn up the Volume
(9) to your desired playing level.
18) Finally, fine tune your level and tone with the adjustments on your guitar.
Note : Generally, keeping the Output Level greater than the 1 o'clock position
will avoid the problem of overdriving outboard effects.
Final note : Once the levels of each channel (Lead Master (6) and Volume(9))
have been set, use the Output Level (11) to control your overall stage level.
• Controls shown in black are active or in the "in" position.
• Lead Master, Volume, and Output Level settings are dependant on speaker con
figuration, desired volume level, and outboard effects.
• Basic channel parameter settings on the ML/E shown below are intended to be
used with the ML/S as well.